Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/111

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December. = 49

D fouernigne Pan then God of Hepheardes atl, fea Wibich ofour fender WanbkinstakeEkeepe: =~ Gnd when our Mockes info mifcbaunce moughe fall, Doekk {ane from milchiefe the brtwarie heepe: Als of their maitters batt no lefle regard, ben of fhe flocks, tobich thou voelt inateh t ward: |

x thee. befeeche (fe be thou: Deigneto bears, - “9 Rude ditties tunve fs thepheardes: Daten beede,, 1 2 if % eucr fonet fong fo cleare, As it Wwith pleafaunce mought thy fancie feene) ... ~ Harken a tobilefrom thy greene cabinets. : Whe laurell fang ofcaretull Colipety —. jisciy svi

WeAbilome in youth, tohen flotuses mp iopfutl ae ages or i aL ike Cwalloto fivift ¥ toardzcd bere and theres Fo2 heate of heeoietle la me 2 fo iD fting, | hat F of doubted Daunger had no feare. 3 Z wert the toatkefull tocodes and fozrett wide, Catitbouten dpead of Uo! tee to eae va ut

@ wont fo raunge amide the. masie thicket.

And gather nuttes to make me Chikmas ames: ;

And toyed oft to chace the trembling Pa2ickes, ©. :

D2 bunt the bartletle bare, till Me were tame, Tathbat tozeaked F of Luintrie ages tale. E aa Sha Deewey A nay fp ang Snoulp ener ems é Hicks ny

Pol offen bare J fraten the etkaate Dee, sd La ‘ All to Diflodge the tiguettofbernel: ~~ 7 cian ‘otw bane J twearicdiwith manpafiroke, = ghe lately Uatalnut tree,the tobile the rete egy Cinder the tree fell all fo2 nuttesat: me: su? Fond F03 vlike to mpaasibertie antelites |: saiag 0} 19 yysthalyo 3

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And far ZF indi in 1 hile Camis loafer’ peeres,. f (Galbetber the pute, fo inzcughe me from mp baths sz 3 to muchbelecueo mp fhephearh peeres), . Somedele ybent fo Tong and rane mirth:

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