Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/97

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O &ober, , 42

Che vaunted verfe a Hacant head demaundes, |: sre wont with crabbed care the Males divell, |: Wntwifelp weaues, that takes tivo Wwebbes tn Hand,

taiho ever calfes fo compatfe tuaightic pzite,

Gnd fhinkes to thowe out thondzing twozds of threat. ef putnze in lauthh cups and th2rtftte bittes of meate,

  1. 02 Bacchus fruite is frient fo Phoebus wife,

‘And when with Wine the bzaine begins to Ceveat, he numbers flow as fall as{pzring osth rile.

Chou ken not Percie how the rime Mould rage,’ D ifmy temples tere difaind with wine,

And girtin Girlonds of twiloe #uietivine, - Bow J could reare the Mule on Latelp Lage, Wnd teach ber tread aloft inbuf-kin fine;

C@ith queint Bellona in ber equipage.

Wutab my courage cooles eve it be Warme, |

Foz thy content bs tn this bumble Hade:

Gi bere no (uch troublous tydes ban bs allaybe,

Were we our Ander pipes may fafelp charme. 1ers,

2nd Lobe mp Gates hall han they2 bellpeslapd:

Cuddie all baue a istode fo Koze bis farme.

Cuddies Embleme. Agitante calefciwsus illo, ec.


This Aeglogue is made in imitation of rheocritus his 16 Ydilion, wherein he reproued the ‘Tyranne Hero of Syracu( for his niggardife tow ard Poetes,in whome ts the power to make men immortall for their good deedes,or faamefull fer their naughtie life. And the like alfo is in Mantuane, rhe ftyle hereof as alfo thatin Theocritus, is more loftie then the reft, and applyedto the height of Poetical witre. :

Cuddse, I doubt whether by Cuddie befpecified the authour felfe, or fome other. For in the cight Acglogue the fame perfon was broughtin, finging a Cantionof Colins making, | as any aese that fome deubr,that che perions be different.

ome fometime. Oatenreedes,Aucnz. Ligge folayde, \ye {ofaint and valuttiec. Dapper, _pretie. : aFrye,is abeld Metaphore, forced fromthe fpawning fithes, for che multiende of young « &th be called the frie. Lz Te refraine