Page:Spencer - The Shepheardes Calender, conteining twelue æglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes, 1586.djvu/98

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nh Ogtober. > To reftraine, This place {cemeth to.confpire.with Plaro, who, imhis frit bookede Leels, . bus faith, thacthe firftinuention of Poe trie was of very vertuous intent. For at what ume _ aninfinite number ofyouth viually came to theyr great folempne fealtes called Pancgytica, , which they vied eugrie fue yeare to hold,fome learned man being moreablethen the reft, _, or (peciall giftes of witand Mulicke, would take vpon him to ting fine verfes to the peo: ple, in praife eyther of vertue or of vi&orie or of immortalitie or fuch like.At whofe won- ., derfall yiftallmen_ being aftonied andas it were rauifhed with delight, thinking (asit w: ,, ba deede)that he was iufpired. from aboue, cilled him Vatem:which kinde of men aierwark . framing their verfes¢o lightermulicke(as of Muticke be rhany kindes, fomesadder, fome _ lighter, fome maztiall,fgme hérpicall: and fo diuerfly eke affe@ the, mindes of men) founde , outlighter matter of Poefie alfo, fome playing with loue, fome {corning at mens tafhions _ Some powred out in pleafutes, and fo were called Poets or makers. | Hebb OSB k _ Senfebereaue,what the Secret working of muficke is in the mmades of men, afwellappea~ _ rethhercby, that fome of the auntienr Philofophers, and thofe the mofte wile, as Plato and, Pythagoras held for opinion, that the minde was.made ofa certaine harmonie and muficalk sumbers, for the greatcempalsion,and likeneffe of affedion in thone and the other,as alfo »« by thatmemorablec hiftoric of Alexandér:to whome.w henas Timotheus che. great Mufitien, » played the Phrygian melodie, itis faid, that he was diftrauphe wich futhe vnwoonted furiey » that ftreight way 1iling from che gable ia greatrage,he caifed himfel fete be artned,as ready: . €o got to warre(for chat muficke is -yerie warrelike) Andimmediatcly when as the Mufition « chaunged bis ftroke intotbe Lydiin.and. Jonique harmonie,hee was furre froin wartings » that he fate as fu, as if hehadbene in matters ofcounfell. Such might is in Mufick. Where . fore Plato and Atiftocle forbid the Arabian Meladic'from children and youth, For-that being alrogither onthe fifth and feuenth tone, it is of great, force to.mollifie_and. quénche the -kindly- courage, which vfeth ro.burne:inyoung breftes,So chat itis novincredble whiche “the Poethere faysh,that che Muficke can bereaue che foule of {enfe. . Lhe fhepheard thar, Orpheus: of whome is faide, thar by his excellent skitin moficktand Poetrie,he recouered his wife Eurydicefrombell, 5... 29 5° 200 ire cel cal Argus eyes, of Argusis before faid, chat ae to. hin cawitred her husband Fupiter his Pa~ ragon Io, becawfe he had anthundred ey essbut afterward Metcurie ivith his mufick lolling Ars pusa fleepe, flue him and broyght Ip away,whole is fayde chat Luno for his erernalk. sarees placedin. herbirde the Pecockes tayle, for thofe- coloured fpoctss in'decde seféme € cyes. 7. Wourdleffe armour, vnwourided ini sratresdo:ruft through long peace; » » lee? ae Difplay, A poeticall metaphore, whereot the Sea cee the Poet lift fhéwe hi¢ skid in matter of more dignitie, thenis the homely Aeglogue; “good occafion is him offered higher veine and more Heroicall argument, in the per {on.of ous mofe pratious foueraigne, whomie(as before)he calleth E4/2. Or ifm.rter Of Kaighthdode and chiualrie pleafe hym betrer, that there be many noble and valiaunt mén.,thacare hoth woxthye of hys paynein - theyr deferned prayfes,and alfo Favourers of his skill andfaculie. —.™ The worthy,he meaneth(as I gueffe)che moft honourable and.xccnowmed the Earleof Ley- cefter,whome by his cognifaunce(alchough the fame b¥alfe proper to other) rather then by his name he bewrayeth, beeing nat. jise)y, that the ciel noble piinces bee knowne to country clownes,., jn es. | ‘ 8 a Slack, that is when,thou chaungeftthy veil from ftately’courfe, ‘te matter of more plea-. faunce and delight, iy ee va : ‘ : Vg Weds 101 he Chi! G3 “The Millers, akinde ofdaunee:? « “" Reng, companty ef dauncers. 9 osu ri The Romifh sityruswellkaowne €. Virgil, who by Maecenas meaties was brought in= to the fayout of rhe Kmperour Auguftus, and by-hym. meooued ta write in loftier kinde, then. héerithtad done, “OF Sha! 0B ORS 8 bale DU Ore) oe Pas Wher eon, in thefe three verfes arethe three feuetall workes of Virgill intended. For im | seaching his fockesto feede, is meant his'Aeglopues.' In Jsbouring of landes;ishisGeor- - Egues.4 a finging of wartes and deaddy dread, is his dipine Aeneis fi guredel (22 ¢

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