Page:St Helena for Bonaparte.pdf/3

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Money every day from their friends did borrow,
And when dun'd to pay, bade them call to-morrow.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.

But, hark, the cannons roar, and Boney's hopes are blighted,
His reign at last is o’er, and Europe is united;
See the tyrant flies, by his troops forsaken,
Forc’d, by telling lies, to save his royal bacon.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.

Hoist the white cockade all ye loyal people,
Bourbon’s flag’s display'd on every tower and steeple,
They’ve Boney’s courage cool’d, now they’ve fix’d his doom sir,
He who nations rul’d, content with Elba room sir.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.

They Nap to Elba sent, and of him they took leave sir,
He palace building went, the better to deceive sir,
By break of day he rose, and rode all o’er his ground sir;
But soon he did suppose he had not Elba room sir.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.