Page:St Helena for Bonaparte.pdf/4

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'Twas from his rocks he spied his late subjects, the Frenchmen,
Were left by the allies; King Louis for to vex man,
He thought he'd just step in, send Louis off before sir,
And thought it was no sin, since he was there afore sir.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.

The British were not pleased, because he had so dup'd 'em.
And Austria was teazed about his grandson's dukedom;
The Bears again came down from their horrific station,
And Prussia's force combined to humble the great nation.

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c.

At Waterloo they met, and met wi' British spirit
To Wellington they set, a chap of real merit,
They fought for victory sure, but oh! alack a day sir,
The British boys them beat, and fast they ran away

Too ral loo ral, loo, &c

To England next he sped, and thought to live in quiet,
But St Helena's his bed, and banishment his fiate