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Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/354

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Greenback inflation during Civil War, 7.

Hadley, President Arthur T., in favor of stabilization plan, 274; quoted, 275.
Hammond, John Hays, stabilization plan approved by, 275.
Hepburn, A. B., History of Currency in the United States, cited, 84.
Higginson, Henry L., in favor of stabilization plan, 274.
High cost of living, various remedies proposed for, 79-81; effect of public interest in, 263-272; proposals for international conference on, 273-274.
High prices, causes of, found to be of monetary origin, 10-52; evils of, 53; result of, not general impoverishment, 53-54; chief evil of, in unequal effect on individual incomes, 54; effects on contracts, 54-55; adjustments of salaries and wages made necessary by, 55-56; disadvantageous results of, on rates fixed by law or custom, 56-57; results of, in the way of social injustice, 61-63.
Holland, attempt of, dvu-ing Great War, to safeguard its money, 285.
House of Representatives, resolution by, looking toward a stabilized dollar, 277.

Ignorance, an obstacle to plan for stabilizing the dollar, 115.
Illusions, popular, in regard to money, 35-39; methods of emancipation from, 41-44.
Index numbers, a device to measure movement of prices, 1-2; method of determining, 2; effect of weighted averages on, 2-3; various systems of, 4; index number of United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4; history of, 5; price movements since 1780 as measured by, 6-8; to be a guide in making proposed changes in dollar's weight, 95-96; lack of, a reason for overlooking plan for stabilizing the dollar, 113-114; how to select right type of, to carry out stabilization plan, 147-154; calculation of stabilized, 201-203; diagram of, with and without stabilization, 204; adjustment of wage payments by, since Great War, 281; instances of modern use of, 282-284; bibliography of, 286-288.
Index Visible, Inc., plan of adjustment of, 283.
India, similarity of price movements in China and, 25; price movements in England and, under different monetary standards, 27.
Indian Gold Exchange System, an innovation no greater than stabilization plan, 231.
Industrial companies, increase in earnings of, due to upward price movement, 70-71.
Inelasticity, charge of, brought against stabilization plan, 229.
Inflation, paper money, gold, and credit, 30; war finance a prolific source of, 30; in Russia before and during Bolshevist regime, 30, 32; in Germany during the war, 32; in United States by means of Liberty Bonds, 32-33; gold, transformed into credit inflation, 33; viewed as legal counterfeiting, 36; Santa Claus illustration of, 45-49 ; how prices are raised by, 49-52; the last resource of war finance, 226; incompatibility of stabilization and, 226-227.
International aspects of plan for stabilizing the dollar, 172-182.
International conference on high cost of living, proposals for, 273-274.
International governmental control of gold mining suggested, 260.
International Trade Union Conference at Berne (1919), resolution by, to prevent depreciation of purchasing power of wages, 277.
Irish land agitation, stimulated by falling prices, 74, 78 n.
I. W. W., causes of growth and bitterness of, 67; could have been avoided by standardizing monetary units, 117.