Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/355

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Jevons, W. Stanley, responsible for index numbers, 5; price movements as measured by index number of, 6-7, 113; popular interest in stability of money leading to devising of index number by, 265; quoted concerning use of precious metals as standard of value in long-lasting contracts, 280; work by, dealing with principles of index numbers, 288; an enthusiastic advocate of the tabular standard, 292-293.

Kansas, land problem in, accentuated by falling prices, 74.
Kelsey, Clarence H., approves, 274.
Kemmerer, E. W., article on "Inflation," cited, 20; member of committee in favor of stabilization plan, 275.
King, W. I., Wealth and Income of People of United States, cited, 20; statistics by, 54.

Labor, proposal for a money based on, 259-260.
Labor troubles caused by high cost of living, 69-71.
Land problem, produced during period of falling prices, 74.
Landry, Adolphe, in favor of stabilization plan, 275.
Latin Union for maintaining bimetallism, 181.
Lewis, Gilbert N., alternative stabilization plan suggested by, 252.
Liberty Bonds, inflation by means of, 32-33.
Loria, Achille, an advocate of stabilization plan, 275.

McAdoo, W. G., railway rates raised by, 72.
McKechnie, Major W. E., quoted on assessment of Bengal, 57.
Marshall, Alfred, article by, anticipating stabilization plan, 293.
Massachusetts, use of tabular standard in Colonial, 280-281.
Meade, Professor, cited on stability in price of trust-made products, 12 n.
Meeker, Dr. Royal, index number of Bureau of Labor Statistics perfected by, 4-5; in favor of stabilization plan, 274; quoted, 275.
Menger, Carl, a writer on irredeemable paper money, 291.
Middle Ages, price levels in the, 5-6.
Middlemen, rise of prices not due to, 13.
Miller, Dr. A. C quoted, 34, 119.
Mint price, fallacy of the, 172-175.
Mitchell, Wesley Clair, diagrams adapted from, 3, 4, 14; statistics by, 20-21, 25 n.; member of committee in favor of stabilization plan, 275; publication by, showing application of index numbers to war prices in different countries, 287.
Monetary inflation as cause of fluctuations in prices of commodities, 19.
Money, popular ideas of, as affected by price movements, 263-272.
Money illusions, discussion of, 35-39.
Money-lenders, different effects on, of rising and of falling prices, 58-59.
Money standards, relation of price levels to, 23-29.
Money supply, how price levels follow the, 29-30.
Money unit, attempts at correcting the, 284-285.
Muckraking, reason for and ill effects of, 67; avoidance of, possible by standardizing monetary units, 117.
Murray, Nat C, statistics by, 20.

Newcomb, Simon, article by, anticipating plan to stabilize the dollar, 293.
New England Association of Purchasing Agents, in favor of stabilization plan, 276.
Newlands, Senator, stabilization plan approved by, 274.
New Zealand, labor troubles in, due to high cost of living, 70.

Nicholson, J. S., War Finance, quoted, 21 n., 30; cited on quick-