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Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/357

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Quantity theory of money, exposition of, 29 ff.; not accepted by all students of money, 51 n.; assumption of, not implied in stabilization plan, 215-216; the objection that stabilization plan contradicts, 216-217.

Railroads, hardships of, from upward price movement, 56-57; why rise in rates of, is necessary, 71-72.
Rapidity of circulation, price level affected by, 51-52.
Rates fixed by law or custom, effects of upward price movement on, 56-57.
Raw materials and finished products, circular reasoning in regard to, 15.
Redemption via warrants, alternative plan of, 254-255.
Redemption warrants, an alternative stabilization plan, 253-254.
Redfield, Secretary, effort of, to stabilize prices by price fixing, 267.
Reformers, objections of, to stabilization of dollar, 250-251.
Remedies, bad, for evils resulting from price fluctuations, 74-76; variety of, good and bad, 79-81.
Rent profiteers, so-called, 72.
Resentment as one evil resulting from redistribution of wealth through price fluctuations, 66-68.
Reserve against gold certificates, effect on, of stabilizing the dollar, 125-126; restabilizing the, 126-128; definite and indefinite system of, contrasted, 129-131.
Retail prices, movements of, compared with those of wholesale prices, 13-14.
Ricardo, abolition of gold coins proposed by, 92 n.
Rist, Charles, article by, cited, 61 n.
Rooke, John, work by, anticipating plan to stabilize the dollar, 293. Rowe, Leo S., approves, 275.
Russell, H. B., book by, on "International Monetary Conferences," 182.
Russia, price movements in, during Great War, 8-9; methods of war finance in, 30; correspondence in, between money supply and price level, 30.

Salaries, adjustment of, after upward price movement, 55-56.
Santa Claus illustration, to show results of addition to total circulation, 45-49.
Sauerbeck, index number of, 6.
Scarcity of money, illusions regarding, 16, 35-36.
Scotch Fiars prices, 243, 245; an example of contract made in terms of a commodity, 279-280.
Shakespeare, an economic truth as stated by, 59.
Sherman Act, causes leading to passage of, 265-266.
Silver standard, price movements in countries using, 7, 25.
Single taxers, as objectors to stabilization of dollar, 250.
Sixteen-to-one remedy for falling-price movement, 75; campaign of 1896, 266.
Smith, J. Allen, plans of, for stabilizing monetary units, 294.
Social injustice resulting from changing price level, 61-63.
Socialism, cue taken by, from high cost of living, 68; growth of, due to rising costs of living, before the war, 69.
Socialists, objections of, to stabilization plan, 250-251.
Spain, safeguarding of money by, during Great War, 285.
Spanish paper money, counterfeit, issued by Bolshevist Government, 30, 32.
Special interests, an obstacle to stabilization of the dollar, 240-251.
Speculation, evening-up of price fluctuations by, 13; activity of, in period of changing price levels, 64.
Speculation in gold, methods of dealing with, 139-147.
Speculators, objection of, to stabilization plan, 251.