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Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/358

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Stabilizing the dollar, need for, 81-84; proposed method of, 84-87; adjustment of machinery for, 95-100; advantages of proposed method, over other remedies, 101-103; summary of plan for, 104-105; crux of plan, 105; advantages of, in case of contracts, 108-109; not a cure-all for all financial complaints, 110-112; reason for previous overlooking of remedy, 113-114; obstacles in way of plan, 114-116; precedents for plan, 116, 279-285; troubles that might have been avoided by, 116-118; technical details of plan, 125 ff.; effect of, on present 100% reserve, 125-126; operation of, in small and in large nations, 131-132; selection of the index number, 147-154; selection of the par or price level, 154-161; disposal of existing gold coins, 161-163; the gold clause in existing contracts, 163-168; bank credit and the plan, 168-172; international aspects of plan, 172-182; illustrative numerical examples to show operation of stabilizing process, 183-205; tentative draft of an act for, 205-213; discussion of disapproval of plan, 214 ff.; disapproval due to misunderstandings, 214-224; alleged defects in, 224-231; conclusion on alleged defects of plan, 230-231; the obstacle of conservatism, 231-240; the obstacle of special interests, 240-251; alternative plans, 252-262; origin and growth of present plan, 272-274; approval of plan, 274-278; literature of remote and direct anticipations of plan, 288-294; list of recent writings on, 294-296.
Standard hypothetical case, to show operation of stabilizing process, 183-187.
Standardizing of monetary units. See Stabilizing the dollar.
Standard of value, effect of stabilization plan on, 220-221.
Statistics concerning relation between monetary inflation and price fluctuation, 19-23.
Stockholders, position of, under rising and under falling prices, 58.
Street railways, losses of, from upward price movement, 57; reason for raising fares on, 72.
Sumner, History of American Currency, cited, 61.
Supply and demand, relation of stabilization plan to, 219-220.
Surplus, employment of, under plan for a 50% minimum reserve, 133-137; saving in taxes by interest on, 137.
Sweden, prohibition of import of gold by, in 1916, 285.

Tabular standard, as an alternative for stabilization plan, 260-262; examples of use of, 280-284; question of origin of idea of, 281 n.; writings on, 291-293.
Tinnes, D. J., proposals in writings of, anticipating present stabilization plan, 294.
Tithe averages, in England, made to vary with value of grain, 279.
Trade cycles, caused by price fluctuations, 65-66.
Trust-made products, price of, more stable than that of competitive products, 12 n.

Uncertainty, as an evil resulting from price fluctuations, 63-65.
Underwood tariff, adopted in period of rising prices, 78 n.
United States, price movements in, as measured by index numbers, 7-8; effect of Great War on prices in, 8-9; rise in prices in, due to gold inflation and to credit inflation, 23; ratio of English price level to that of, compared with ratio of American to English money, 28; correspondence between price levels and money supply in, 29-30; credit inflation in, during the war, 32-33; extent of war inflation in, 34; chief index numbers current in, 286.