Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1009

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II. Minerals.

Quantities (in metric tons) and rallies (in marks) of the coal and iron ore raised in 2 years : —







Lignite .... 83,3"-

rron ore .

Salt 1,178

3,341 .4 874,: - 121, -(0,177





5,718,045,»59 740,602,723 201,:


In 1920 the production of coal was 127,057,135 tons; and of lignite, 91,979,395 tons.

In 1919 the numbers employed in and about mines in Prussia were : Underground workers, 485, 90 4; surface workers, 1,284,337; total (all workers), 816,391.

Internal Communications.— On April l, 1919, the total length of the

railway s\»tem open for traffic was 24,196 miles. Plans for the electrification of main railway lines were being steadily pushed on before the war. The line between Dessau and Bitterfeld was the first to be electrified. Total receipts on the railways in 1918 3,549 - 5 million marks ; total expenditure,

million marks; deficit, 1,2282 million marks; capital sunk,

14,436 9 million ma , .

Savings Banks. — In 1918 there were 1,695 savings banks in Prussia. On December 3i, 1918, the deposits amounted to 21,695 million marks.

References concerning Prussia. Jahrbuck fiir den Preussischen Staat. Berlin. Statistisches Handbuch fur den Preussischen Staat. Berlin. Preussiscne Statistik. Herausgegeben youi Statistischen Landesamte. Berlin. Zentralbiatt fur die gesainte Unterrichts-Verwaltung in Preussen. HerausgegebtD in dem Ministeriuni fur Wissenschsft, Kunst und Volksbildung. Erganzungsheft : StatistischeMitteilungen iiber das hohere Unterricht^wesen in Preussen. Berlin, 'hrift des Preussischen Statisti-rhen Landesairtes. Berlin, ische Korrespondenz des Preussischen Sta istischen Landesamtes. Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir das Berg-, Flatten- und Salinenwesen im Preussischen Staale. Zwei Jahre Regii»rungsai beit in Preussen. AufGrund ainthchen Materials bearbeitet von dcr Pres*«-Ahieilung dea Preus9is<-hen Staatsministeriums. Berlin, 1921. Alt'ock(Vf.), Die orfentlirh n Sparkas*en in Preussen. Berlin. 1917. Baedrker't Xorti.ern Germany. 16th ed. 1918.

Deteampt (Paul), La Fonnatinn >ociale du Prussien Moderne. Paris, 1916. Drojuii (J. G.l, Geschii-hte der preussischen Pol; tile. 5 vol. Leipzig. Goldtehmuit (P ), Berlin in OeschVhte und Gegenwart. Berlin, 1910. Ouyot (Vvm), La Province Rhenane et la Westphalie. Etude Economique. Paris, 191 :>. Honmann (LI. Edler Ton), Verfassung und Verwaltung Preussens und des Reichs. Leij>zi.-, 1915.

Lnmpe (P.), Berlin nnd die Mark Bnndenburg. Leipzig, 1909.

Marr.otl (J. A. R.) and RoberUon (C. G ), The Evolution of Prussia. The Making of an Empire. London, 1915.

(Ida), Preussen-Atlas. (Historical maps and notes). Berlin, 1914,

ach (R.), Das Bergrecht Preussens und des weiieren Deutschlands. Stuttgart. 1917.

Otbornt (S.), The Upper Silesian Question and Germany's Coal Problem. London.

Pollard (J.), A Study of Municipal Government. The Corporation of Berlin. 2 ed.

. 1894. Prutz(U.), Preussische Geschichte. Vols. I. and II. Berlin. Robitt'on (J. 11.), Constitution of Prussia. [Trans, of Text, with Notes.] Philadelphia