Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1127

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Committee consisting of fourteen Senators and fifteen Representatives appointed by the respective Houses.

According to the law of April 13. 1917, the administration is carried on, under the direction of the President and a Council, by seven Secretaries of State (Foreign Affairs, Interior, Finance and Public Credit, War anrt Marine, Communications and Public Works, Industry, Commerce, and Labour, and Agriculture \ and time Departments of State (Judicial, Kduca- tional, and Public Health).

Local Govkrnmknt.

Mexico is divided into twenty-eight States, one Federal District, and two Territories. Each separate State has its own internal constitution, government, and laws ; but inter-State customs duties are not permitted, though State taxes are levied. Each State has its governor, legislature, and judicial officers popularly elected under rules similar to those of the Federation. The Governors of the Federal District and the Territories ai»> appointed by the President. All the States of the Mexican Union have their own special codes based, more or less, on those of the Federal District ; but at the same time they must publish and enforce laws by the Federal Government.

Area and Population.

The population of the census of 1910 and the estimated population in 1912 are shown in the following table. The capitals of the States and districts are in brackets : —

States and Territoriei

AguaaeaHentes (Apuascalientea). Baja California (La Paz) Campeehe (Campeehe). C hiapa> (Tuxtla Gutierrez) . Chihuahua (Chihuahua) Coahuila (Saltillo) Coliuia(Colima) . Pistrito Federal (Mexico) Puranio (Purango) Guanajuato (Guanajuato) Guerrero (Chilpancingo) Hidalgo (Pachuca) Jaluco (Guadalajara) . Mexico (Toluita) . Michoa«;aan (Morelia) . Moreios (Guernavaca) .

" l Trpic) . N'uevo Leon (Monterrey) Oaxaca (Oaxaca) . Puebla (Ptiebla) . QuereUro (Queretaro) . Quintaua Roo (Santa Cm do Bravo). San Luis Potoai (8an Luis Potosi) .Siualoa (Culiacan) Sonora (Hennosilio) Tabasco (Villa Taiuaulipas (Ciudad Victoria) Tiaxcala (Tlaxcala) Veracrux (Conloba) ....

Yucatan (Merida)

Zocatecas (Zacatecas) ....

  • „« ,„ Cenana

Grand Tola!

767,198 15.115.S12 15,&01,6*-4