Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1128

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In 1910 there were 7,504,471 males and 7,665,898 females. The foreign population in 1910 numbered 116,527 :— Spanish, 29,541 ; United States, 28,639; Guatemalan, 21,334; French, 4,604; British, 5,264; Cuban, 3,478 ; German, 3,827 ; Italian, 2,595 ; Chinese, 13,203 ; Japanese, 2,276, Arabs, 1,546 ; Turks, 2,907; all others, 5,433.

The chief cities, 1910, are : — Mexico (capital), 1,080,000 ; Puebla, 96,121 ; Guadalajara, 119,468; San Luis Potosi, 68,022; Leon, 57,722; Monterev, 73,528; Pachuca, 39,009; Zacatecas, 25.900; Guanajuato, 35,682 ; Me'rida, 62,447 ; Queretaro, 33,062 ; Morelia, 40,042 ; Oaxaca, 38,011 ; Orizaba, 35,263; Aguascalientes, 45,198; Saltillo, 35,414; Durango, 32,263: Chihuahua, 39,706 ; Vera Cruz, 48,633 ; Toluca, 31,023 ; Celaya, 23,062.

Religion, Instruction, and Justice.

The prevailing religion is the Roman Catholic, but according to the new Constitution of 1917, the Church is separated from the State, and there is toleration of all other religions. No ecclesiastical body can acquire landed property. There are 7 archbishops and 23 suffragan' bishops. In 1910, there were 15,033,176 Roman Catholics; 68,839 Protestants; 33,343 of other faiths ; 25,011 of no professed faith.

Education is free and compulsory, and, according to the Constitution of 1917, secular. In the Federal District and in the Territories education is controlled by the National Government ; elsewhere the State authorities regulate education. The Federal capital is the seat of the National Uni- versity of Mexico, organised in 1910. In 1912 the system of primary education was extended so as to reach the native population, for whom 209 schools have been established with 13,616 pupils.

Jn 1918, 439 newspapers and periodicals were published in Mexico.

The judicial power, which is entirely distinct from and independent of the executive, consists of the Supreme Court, with 15 judges chosen for a period of six years, three Circuit Courts, with 3 judges, and District Courts, with 32 judges. After 1923 judges are to be appointed for life.

The Ordinary, Civil, Criminal, and Correctional Courts are controlled by the Department of Justice and Public Instruction.

Federal Finance.

The ordinary receipts and expenditure for six years : —

1913-141 !

1914-15 1'!

1918 1 ;


£ 13,230.715 14,^97,000 14,914,137


£ 13,210,873 15,220,489 18,713,587

19191 1920 1 19211


11,938,400 17,739,!>19 27,739,806



20,349,161 17,305,932 27,113,560

1 Estimates. 'J Owing to civil disturbances, no figures were published between 191.'. and 1918.

B\>r the nine months ending May 31, 1919, the actual revenue amounted to 13,530,100/.

On December 31, 1920, the outstanding external debt, together with arrears of interest, amounted to 72,315,642/. The internal debt amounted to 16,582,277 pesos.


Before the Revolution every Mexican capable of bearing arms was obliged to serve in the Active Army or in the National Guard. The army then eofi- sisted of the Active Army, the Reserve, and auxiliary troops, and was