Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1315

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Puerto Plata. The International Banking Corporation, of New York, ha«  branches at Santo Domingo, and other places. There is also at Santo Domingo a branch of the Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto Rico.

The metric system was adopted on August, 1, 1913. But English and Spanish units are quite common in ordinary commercial transactions.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Santo Domingo in Great Britain.

Consul-General. — Eduardo Cazeaux. Consul. — Octavio Ventura.

-Consul. — Albert M. Ventura. There are consular representatives at Cardiff, Southampton, Grimsby, Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham.

2. Of Britain in Santo Domingo.

Minister. — Hon. Stephen Leech (resident in Havana). Charge' a" Affaires in Santo Domingo. — 0. K. Lodger. Vice-Consul at Santo Domingo. — H. H. Gosling.

There is also a Vice-Consul at San Pedro de Macoris, Sanchez, and Puerto Plata.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Santo Domingo.

The Constitution of the Dominican Republic of 1908. Ban Domingo, I9IS

Santo Domingo, its I'ast and its Present Condition. [U.S. Navy l>e; artnunt.] Suit© Domingo City, 1920.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics. Washington.

Report of the American Commissioner to Santo Domingo. Washington, 1005.

Report of the Council of the Corporation ol Foreign Bondholders. Annual. London.

Jbad(Josfc Ramon), La Republic* Dominican*, resena general geografico-estadistic*. Santo Domingo, 1889.

Detchamfs (E.t, La Republic* Dominicana, Directorio f Gnia General. 1907.

Garcia (Jose Gabriel), Compendio de la historia de Santo Domingo Revised ed. S vols. Santo Domingo, 1896. [Brings the hjstory down to July, ISoS.j

Hazard (S ), Santo Domingo. Pa.-t, and Present. London, 1573.

Logrono (A.), Compendio Didactico de Hirtoria Patria. Vol. I. Santo Domingo. 1912. [Up to 1644.J

Meri no (Padre;. Elementos de geografia fi&ica, politic* e historic* de 1* Republica Do- minicana. Santo Domingo, 1889.

Moreau de Saint-Mh-y (M. L. K.), Description Topographique, Physique, ' Politique et Historique de la Part;e F.spagnole de l'lle de Saint Domingue. Philadelphia, 1799. [Probably the standard work on Spanish Santo Domingo.]

Monte y Tejada (Antonio), Historia de Santo Domingo. Completed ed., bringing the history down to 1S-21. 4 vols. Santo Domingo, 1890.

Mot a (C. X. de), Bosquejo Historico de le^Republiem Dominicana. (Historical research of the Dominican Republic). Santo Domingo, 1919.

Souel (Carlos A ), Historia Eclesiastica de la Arquidiocesis de Santo Domingo, First Citv of America. 2 vols. Borne, 1913.

Ober (F. A. L In the Track of Columbus. Boston, Mass., 1S93

Bodrignez (A.). La Cnestion Dominico-H^itiana : Estudio Geografico-Historico. 2nd Ed. San Domingo, li»19.

Sehonneh (Otto), Santo Domingo : The Country with a Future. New York, 1919.

8toddart (T. L), The French Revolution in San Domingo. New York, ;

Tippcnkauer, Die Insel Hayti. Leipiig, 1S9S.