Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1316

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(Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata, I Slovenaca.) Reigning King.

Peter I., born June 29 (O.S.), 1844, son of Alexander Kara-Georgevitch ; married, July 30 (O.S. ). 1883, to Princess Zorka, daughter of Prince Nikolas of Montenegro ; widower March 4 (O.S.), 1890 ; ascended the throne, June 2 (O.S.), 1903.

Children of the King: — (1) Princess Helene, born October 23 (O.S.), 1884. (2) Prince George, born August 27 (O.S.), 1887 ; on March 27 (N.S.), 1909, Prince George renounced his right of succession to the throne, to which Prince Alexander will succeed. (3) Prince Alexander, heir apparent and Prince-Regent, born December 4 (O.S.), 1888.

Brother of the King: — Prince Arsene, born April 4, 1859; married, April 15, 1892, to Aurora Demidoff (divorced in 1896); offspring: Prince Paul, born April 15, 1893.

The founder of the dynasty was Kara-George (i.e. Black George) Petrovitch, who, in 1804, was proclaimed Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, but was murdered in 1817, leaving two sons — Alexis, born 1801, and Alexander, born 1806. In 1842 Alexander was chosen reigning Prince by theSkupshtiua or National Assembly, and the title was confirmed by the Porte, but the dignity was not hereditary. In 1858 Alexander had to abdicate and was banished, and in 1885 he died in exile. King Peter is thus the third of his house who have ruled iu Serbia. He succeeded to the throne on the murder of King Alexander of the Obrenovitch dynasty ; was elected Kin« by the Skupshtina June 2 (O.S. ), and assumed roval rights and duties June 12 (O.S.), 1903.

The independence of Serbia from Turkey waa established by article 34 of the Treaty of Berlin, signed July 13, 1878, and was solemnly proclaimed by Prince (afterwards King) Milan at his capital, August 22, 1878. The King's civil list amounts to 1,880,000 dinars.

After the Revolution in Austria- Hungary, > lovenia, Croatia, Dalmatia, and Bosnia declared their independence, and a movement commenced for the formation of the State of Serbs, Croats, and* Slovenes (Yugo-Slavia) by the union of the Austro-Serbian, Croatian, and Slovenian parts of the former Austro- Hungarian monarchy with Serbia. In regard to Montenegro there was some doubt as to her position, but on the death of King Nicholas on March 1, 1921, the country was definitely joined to Greater Serbia.

On December 29, 1918, the first Ministry of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was formed, representing all the Yugo-Slav provinces, and the Allied Governments were informed of the creation of the new State, which has received recognition. By the Treaty of Rapallo the boundaries of the new State were definitely determined.

Constitution and Government.

Serbia is ruled according to the old laws, while in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and Dalmatia the provincial governments continue with the existing laws. The Constituent Assembly, for which elections were held in November, 1920, will adopt a constitution for the new State. According to the draft constitution Yngo-Slavia is to be ■ limited monarchy with a two-chamber Parliament, in which the Senate will be an advisory chamber. The King is Commander-in-Chief ot the Forces, and can declare war and make peace. He summons Parliament and has the right of dissolving it. Parliament is elected for four years on the basis of one deputy for every