Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1317

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40,000 inhabitants. The Senate consists of 100 members and is elected for nine years, though one-third of its membership is renewed every three %

Until the new Constitution is adopted the present administration of Serbia is based on the Constitution of that country passed on June 5, 1903, and the administration of the other provinces which form part of the kingdom on the local laws and the agreement arrived at on December 1, 1918, between the representatives of the Kingdom of Serbia and those of the provinces which joined Serbia.

The elections for the Constituent Assembly, held in November 28, 1920, resulted as follows: — 102 Radicals, 94 Democrats, 42 Communists. 51 Croatian Agrarians (Raditch Party), 33 Serb Agrarians, 25 Mahomedans, and 21 Catholic People's Party.

The Cabinet appointed February 19, 1921, is composed as follows : —

Prime Minister. — M. Stoyan Protitch (head of Old Radical Party).

-President of the Council and Minister of Communications. — M. Koroshetz (head of Slovene Clerical Party).

Minister of the Interior.— M. Trifkoviteh (Old Radical). .ister of Foreign Affairs. — M. Tnimbitch.

Minister of Commerce. — M. Stoyan Ribaratz National).

Minister of Finance. — If. Velisar Yankov itch (Old Radical).

Minister nf Forests an<f Mine*. — M Kevatehevitch (National State Club). lister of Agrarian Reform. — M. Krsnitch (National Croatian Club). iter of Food. — M. Staniehiteh (Old Radical).

Minister of Public Health.—*. Slavko Miletitch (Old Radical).

of Social Affairs — il. Jouro Chotusmine (National Croatian Club,.

Minister of Public Instruction. — M. Trifunovitch (Old Radical). lister of Religion. — M. Jan vene Clerical).

Minister of War.— (Vacant May, 1921.)

Minister of Public Works. — M Jovan Jovanovitch (Old Radical).

Minister of Agriculture. — M. Ftano Roehbvr ^Slovene Clerical).

Minister of Justice.— hi. Xiutchitch (Old Radical).

Minister of Posts and T Ugraphs. — il. Drinkovitch (National Croatian ClubV

Minister withoid Portfolio. — M. Spalecicovitch .

Area and Population.

The estimated area and population of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (1920) are shown as follows : —



in iq. miles


Serbia ....

Croatia .... Bosnia and Herzegorina Dalmara ....


42,098 3,536 17.405 20,709 5,090 6,790

4,955.631 238,423


1,931,-02 621,503 875,090



ordins; to the draft constitution of Yugo-Slavia it is intended to create nine autonomous provinces, each with a Diet of its own. The provinces are Serbia, Old Serbia, Syrmia, the Banat, Bacska, Croatia and Slovenia, Dalmatia (without Cattaro), Montenegro, and Herzegovina (with Cattaro).

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