Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1432

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Alaska, copper, 689

— defence, 469

— education, 463, 638

— Eskimo in, 638

— farms, 638

— finance, 638

— fisheries, 638, 639

— forests, 479, 638

— gold, 482, 639

— government, 455, 637

— Governor, 637

— imports and exports, 639

— Indians in, 638

— Japanese in, 638

— justice, 638

— manufactures, 639

— mining, 482, 639

— petroleum, 639

— ports, 492, 639

— posts and telegraphs, 639

— production, &c, 638

— public lands. 474, 475, 63S

— railways, 639

— reindeer, 638

— religion, 638

— representation, 637

— sealing, 638, 639

— shipping, 492, 639

— silver, 639

— timber, 480, 638

— towns, 638

— troops in, 469

Alaourtes, Territory of the (Syiia),

1358 Ala'u'd-din Sulaiman Shah, Sultan

(Selangor), 170 Alava (Spain), province, 1283 Albacete (Spain), province, 1283 Albania, 666, 667, 1334

— agriculture, 667

— area and population, 666

— books of reference, 667 communications, 667

— education, 667

— government, 666

— justice, 667

— minerals, 667

— ports, 661

production and industry, fill?

— religion, 666

— roads, 667

— towns, 666

— wool, 667


Albany (New York), 461, 583, 584 Albany (W. Australia), 361, 403 Albay (Philippines), 648 Albert, King (Belgium), 688, 699 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1082 Alberta (Canada), 282, 305 sqq

— agriculture, 291, 292, 307

— area and pop., 285, 806

— births, marriages, deaths, 286, 306

— books of reference, 308

— coal, 294, 307

— commerce, 308

— communications, 308

— constitution and government, 282,

284, 305

— crops, 291, 292, 307

— dairy products, 307

— debt, 307

— education, 287, 288, 306

— exports, 308

— finance, 290, 307

— fisheries, 293, 308

— forests, 293, 307, 308

— justice and crime, 306

— 'kind-holdings, 291, 292

— Legislative Assembly, 284, 30. - Lieutenant-Governor, 284, 305

— live stock, 307

— local government, 284, 305

— manufactures, 293, 307, 303

— mining, 294

— ministry, 305

— municipal districts, 806

— natural gas, 307

— petroleum, 307

— political parties, 305

— production & industry, 291, 292,

293, 294, 307

— railways, 300 308

— ranches, 292, 307

— religion, 287

— reprasentation, 282, 283, 284,


— telephones, 308

— towns, 306

— university, 287, 306

— wheat, 291, 307

— wool, 307

Alln:rtville(B.Cong.) w'rlessstn., 703 Alluiquerquo (New Mexico), 581 Albury (New South Wales), 369 Alcazar (Morocco), 1085, 1088, 1089 Alcoy (Spain), 1284