Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1433

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I 32 I


Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 198 Alderney, government. 85 ; pop., 24 Aldershot Command (U.K.). 5*2 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1195 Ale-.; 1335, 1358; minerals,

1341 : schools, 1359 ; tobacco.

1 559 | town, 1359 Alessandria (Italy), 1004

— town, 1007 ; fort, 1015 Aleut race (Alaska), 638

inder Bay (New t'oundland),

paper mill, 385 Alexandretta (Syria), 1358 ; port,

1360 Alexandria (Egypt). 258, 25i<

— municipality, 253

— shipping, 269

— town, 258, 259

— trade, 268, 269

Alexandria, Patriarch of, 260, 658,

122i> Alexandria (Virginia). 624 Alexandropol (Armenia), 122S, 1245 Alexandrovsk (Yek) (Russia), 1228 Alexandrovsk Grushevsk (Russia),

1228 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1195 Algeria, 871, 880 *g^

— agriculture, 883

— area and pop., 871.

— army, 855, 856, 882

— banks, 885

— books of reference, 885

— budget, 880, 882

— commerce, 883

— communications, 884

— copper, 883

— cotton, 883

— crops, 883

— defence, 855, 856, -

— delegations, 880

— divisions, 880

— education, 846, 847, 881

— faculties. 848, 881

— finance, 880, 882

— fisheries. 8S3

— flax, 883

— foreigners in, 881

— forests, 883

— fruit, 883, 884

— government, 839, 840, 860

ernor-t ;• neral, 880

— imports and exports, 884

Algeria, industry, 888

— iron, 888, 884

— justice and crime. - land tenure, 883

— live stock, 883

— mercantile marine, 884

— mining, 883

— money, weights, measures, 885 olive oil, 888, 884

— petroleum, 888

— posts, telegraphs, telephones, 885,


— production, 883

— railways, 884

— religion, 881

— representation, 839, 880

— roads, 883, 884

— savings banks, 885

— schools, 845, 847, I

— shipping, 8S4

— silk, 883

— Southern Territories, 880, 881, 882

— timber, 883

— tobacco, 883, 884

— torpedo stations, 857

— towns, 881

— university, 881

— wheat, 883, 884

— wine, 883, 884

— wool, 884

Algiers (Alger), 857, 881

— faculties, 848, 881

— population, 8S1

— schools, 881

— torpedo station, 857

— university, 848, 881 Alhucema Islands (Span. At), 1284 Alicante (Spain), 1283; town, 1284 Aligarh (India), 127 : university, 129 AH lusuf, Sultan (Obbia), 1 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1098 Allahabad, 127 ; university, 129 Allentown (Pa.), 461, 602 Alliance (Ohio), 594

Almeida, Dr. de(Portug. Pres.), 1194 Almeria (Spain), prov., 1283

— minerals, 1291 ; town, 1284

— wireless station, 1289 Almirantr (Panama), port, 781, 1152 Almora (India), 762

Alofi Is. (Fr. Pacific), 912 Alor Star (Kedah). 174, 175 Alost (Belgium), 691