Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1438

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Arolsen (Waldeck), 962 Arorae Island (Pacific), 444 Arrowrock dam (U.S.A.), 476 Arta (Greece), 967 Arthington (Liberia), 1067 Artigas (Uruguay), province, 1361

— town, 1361 Arubals. (D.W.I. ), 1121 Aruwimi (Belgian Congo), 700 Arzila (Morocco), port, 1085 Asahigawa (Japan), 1040 Ascension Island, 178 Aschaffenburg (Bavaria), 943 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 1005; town,

1008 Ashanti (W. Africa), 242, 248, 249

— forests, 250

— gold, 250

— imports and exports, 250

— police, 248, 250

— production, 250

— rubber, 250

Asheville (North Carolina), 588 Ashland (Kentucky), 542

— (Wis.), 633 Ashtabula (Ohio), 594 Ashton-under-Lyne, 17 Asia, Colonies, &c, in

British, 95 sqq

Dutch, 1112 sqq

French, 871, 873 sqq

Italian, 1032

Portuguese, 1196, 1201, 1202

Russian, 1225, 1227, 1229, 1237, 1242, sqq

Turkish, 1334, 1335 Asia Minor (Turkey), 1334, 1335 Asir Highlands, 1347, 1348 Asir Principate (Arabia), 1348 Askhabad (Russia in Asia), 1229 Asmar (Afghanistan), 662 Asmara (Eritrea), 1028 Asnieres (France), 844 Assab (Eritrea), 1028

— wireless station, 1029 Assaba (Mauritania), 901 Assam, agriculture, 138, 139

— area and pop., 117, 120, 138

— births and deaths, 126

— education, 130

— finance, 135

— forests, 139, 140

— government, 117, 119


Assam, land revenue, 134, 138

— land tenure, 138

— native states, 121, 124

— religion, 128

— roads, 150

— state, 121, 124

— tea, 140

Assiniboia (Canada), 282 Assinie (Ivory Coast), 899 Assiout, see Asyut

Assuan (Egypt), 258, 259, 277 ; dam,

266 Assumption Island (Seychelles), 198 Astara (Persia), port, 1166, 1168 Astoria (Oregon), 599 Astove Is. (Seychelles), 198 Astrakhan, 1226 ; town, 1228 ;univ.,

1230 Astrolabe Bay (New Guinea), 420 Asuncion (Paraguay), 1157, 1158 ;

port, 1161

— wireless station, 1161 Asuncion, La (Venezuela), 1369 Asyut (Egypt), 258, 259 ; ban


— town, 259 Aswan, see Assuan

Atacama (Chile), province, 735, 739 Atafu Island (Pacific), 444 Atakpame (Togoland), 245, 902 Atbara (A.-E. Sudan), 274 Atchison (Kans.), 540 Athabaska (Canada), 2S2, 325 Athens, 968 ; archaeological work,

969 ; bank, 975 ; univers

969 Athos, Mount (Greece), 968 Ati (French Congo), 887 Atiu Is. (Cook Islands), 436, 437 Atjeh Is. (Sumatra), 1118 Atlanta, (Ga.), 461, 526, 527

— Federal Bank, 497 Atlantic City (New Jersey), 578 Atlantic Islands (British), 197, 198 Atlantico (Colombia), 771

Attica (Greece), 967, 972 Attleboro' (Mass.), 553 Auburn (Maine), 547

— (New York), 584

— (New South Wales), 369 Auckland Islands, (N.Z.), 436 Auckland (N. Zealand), district, 425

— air force training schools, 430