Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1439

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Auckland (R. Zealand), port, 434

— town, 425

— university college, Augsburg (Bavaria), 920, 943 Augusta (Ga.), 527 Augusta (Mainei.

Aunuu (Samoa), 653 Aurora (Illinois), 532 Aust-Agder (Norway 1 ', 1132 Austin (Texas), 615, 616 Australasia^ Oceania (Brit), 350 sqq

— French, 872, 910 sqq Australia, Commonwealth of, 350 sqq

— aborigines, 352. 368, 381, 39u.

397, 403, 415

— agriculture, 356, 357

— air force, 356

— area and population, 352

— army, 354 air force, 356

— banks, 362. 363

— births, marriages, and deaths, 352

— books of reference, 364

— capital city, 350, 351, 362

— cereal crops, 356, 357

— Chinese in, see ccvh State

— coal, 357, 35S

— commerce, 357

— Commerce and Industry, Bureau

of, 357

— communications, 362

— constituent states, 350

— constitution and govt., 350, 351

— copper, 357, 358, 360

— crops, 356, 357

— currency, 363

— customs valuation, 358

— dairying, 357

— debt, 353

— defence, 59, 354 air force, 356

— — citizen army, 354 navy, 59, 355

— dependencies, 350, 352, 363, 417

sqq, 440

— emigration and immigration, 352

— Executive Council, 351

— Federal Judicature, 350

Parliament, 350, 351

railways, 362

Territory, 350. 861, 362

area and population, 350,



Australia, Federal Territory, rail- ways, 362

— finance, 352 war, 353

— forests, 357

— Germans in, net each State

— gold, 357, 363 reserve, 863

I — Governor-General, 350. High Commissioner, 351

— House of Representatives, 350, 351 | — import duties, 357

— imports and exports, 357 sqq j — inhabited houses, 352

I — Inter-State Commission, 351

— invalid pensions, 353

— Japanese in, 389, 415, 1040

— Judicature, Federal, 350

— land tenure, 356

— lead, 357, 358, 360

— live stock, 357 I — mandate, 419

. — manufactures, 357

I — maternity provision, 353

— meat export, 357, 358, 360 | — migration, 352

— minerals, 357, 358, 360 i — ministry, 351

— mints, 363

— money and credit, 362

— navy," 59, 355

, — old-age pensions, 353

— Parliament, Federal, 350, 351 j — pensions, invalid, 353

-old age, 353

— ports, 361

— posts and telegraphs, 362

— production, 356

— railways, 362

— representation, 350

— rifle clubs, 354

i — savings banks, 363

— Senate, 350, 351

— sheep and mutton, 357, 360

— shipping and navigation, 360 State-owned, 361

— silver, 357, 358

— State Parliaments, 351

— States, 350, 351, 352

banks, 363

commerce, 359

debt, 353

finance, 352, 353