Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1481

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Gaza (Palestine \ 1352, 1353 ; port,

1356 Gaza (Portuguese E. Africa), 1204

— railway, 1205

Gazara (Mesopotamia), 1351 Geelong (Victoria), 381 Geialingen (Wiirttemberg), 963 Gelsenkirchen (Prussia), 920 Gembloux (Belgium), 692 Geneva (N.Y.), 584 Geneva (Switzerland), 1313, 1320 town. 1321 # ; university, 1322 Genoa (Italy), ft, 1015 ; pt., 1024

— prov., 1004 ; torpedo station, 1017

— town, 1007 ; university, 1010 George V., King and Emperor, 3, 27,

115, 210, 350 title, 3, 115 George Town (Penang), 165 Georgetown (Ascension Island), 178

— Rritish Guiana, 330 Cayman Islands. 342

Georgetown university (U.S.A.), 522 Georgia, Republic of, 914 sqq, 1224, 1244, 1246

— agriculture, 915, 916

— area and population, 914, 915 army, 915

— births, marriages, deaths, 915 books of reference, 916

— commerce, 916

— communications, 916 Constituent Assembly, 914

— constitution & government, 914, 1241

currency, 916 defence, 915

— diplomatic representatives, 916

— education, 915 fruit, 916 imports and exports, 916

— land distribution, 915, 916

— languages, 915

live stock, 916

minerals, 916

port, 916, 1245

President, 914

— production and industry, VI 5, 916

— provinces and districts, 914, '.•15

— railways, 916 religion, 915

— Senate, 914

— towns, 915


Oorgia, Republic of, trills, 915

— university, 915

— wheat, .

— wine, 916

Georgia (U.S.A.), 457, 526 sqq

— agriculture, 477, 478. 528

— area k population, 457, 475, 526

— books of reference, 528

— cities, 527

— coal, 528

— communications, 528

— constitution and government

— cotton, 478, 528

— crime, 527

— debt, 527

— educatioi

— farms, 528

— finance, 5 "J 7

— fisheries, 528

— forests, 52S

— Germans in, 527

— gold, 528

— imports and exports, 528

— Indians in, 527

— live stock, 528

— manufactures, 528

— minerals, 528

— pauperism, 527

— ports, 492, 528

— production and industry, 477, 478,


— public lands, 475

— railways, 528

— religion, 527

— representation, 453, 526

— rice, 477, 528

— savings banks, 528

— shipping, 492, 528

— sugar, 528

— timber, 480, 52S

— tobacco, 478

— universities, 527

— wheat. 528

— wool, 52S

Oera (Reus<\, 921, 961 Geraldton (W. Aust.), 403 German Austria, see Austria German Republic, 917 .«jq.

— accident insurance, 924, 925

— agriculture, 929, 930

— alcohol, 932

— area and population, 918 ^ 929

— armistice, 926, 928