Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1482

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German Republic, army, 92G sqq defence force, 926, 927

— — demobilisation, 926

expenditure, 925

limitation, 926, 927

— banks, 934

— beer brewed, 931

— beet arid beet-sugar, 929, 931

— births, marriages, deaths, 919

— books of reference, 936

— budget, 925

— Cabinet, 917

— canals and navigation, 933

— Civic Guards, 927, 928

— coal, 843, 930, 932

— colonies in Brazil, 720

— commerce, 932 with U.K., 932

— compulsory insurance, 924

— constitution and government, 917

— copper, 930

— Council of People's Commissione rs,


— crops, 929

— currency, 934, 935

— debt, 926

— defence, 926 sqq

— diplomatic representatives, 936

— distilleries, 932

— divorce, 920

— education, 922 sqq

agricultural, 922, 923

elementary, 922

military and naval, 928

— private, 922

secondary, 922

technical, 922, 923

university, 923, 924

— electors, 917, 918

— Emergency Volunteers, 927, 928

— emigration, 920

— Emperor, abdication of, 917

— estimates, 925

— finance, 925

— fisheries, 931

— forests and forestry, 929, 930

— forts & frontier, 927

— fruit trees, 929

— illegitimacy, 919

— Imperial Bank, 934, 935

— Imperial Council, 917, 918

— insurance, sickne.48, old age, &c. ,

924, 925


German Republic, iron, 930, 931

— justice and crime, 925

— juvenile workers, 930

— landholders (Argentina), 674

— leased territory, 747, 1039, 1058

— live stock, 930

— loans, 926

— manufactures, 931, 932

— mercantile navy, 933

— military associations, 927, 928

— mining and minerals, 930

— ministry, 917 •

— money and credit, 934

— money, weights, and measures,


— National Assembly, 916

— navy, 928, 929

expenditure, 925, 929

new, 928, 929

submarines, 857, 859, 929

surrendered, 857, 859, 929

— occupied territory, 919

— old age insurance, 924, 925

— pauperism, 924

— plebiscite results, 919

— political parties, 917, 918

— population, 918 sqq

in other lands, see each countrj

movement of, 919, 920

of States, 918

of towns, 920, 921

— ports, 932

— postal statistics, 933, 934

— potash, 930

— President, 917, 918

— production and industry, 929 sqq

— Public Safety Police, &c, 927,


— railways, 933

— Reichstag, 918

— Reichsrat, 917, 918

— Reichswehr, 926, 927

— religion and religious oeususes


— representation, 917

— Saar Basin, 843, 919

— schools, agricultural, 922, 923 elementary, 922

secondary, 922

technical, 922, 923

— shipping, 933

— sickness insurance, 924, 925

— silk, 931