Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1512

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Liberia, imports and exports, 1068

— iron, 1068

— justice, 1067

— loan, 1067

— mining, 1068

— missions, 1067

— money, weights, measures, 1068

— palm oil, 1068

— ports, 1067

— President, 1066

— production, 1068

— religion, 1067

— river navigation, 1068

— roads, 1068

— rubber, 1068

— shipping, 1068

— towns, 1067

— wireless stations, 1068 Liberian Jene (Liberia), 1067 Libia Italiana, 1030 sqq

— area and population, 1031

— banking, 1032

— books of reference. 1034

— caravans, 1031, 1032

— commerce, 1 032

— currency, 1032

— defence, 1016, 1031

— finance, 1031

— frontier agreement, 1030

— government, 1030

— justice, 1031

— ostrich feathers, 1032

— postal statistics, 1032

— production and industry, 1031

— railways, 1032

— shipping, 1032

— sponge fishery, 1032 Libreville (Fr. Congo), 886, 887 Libyan Desert (Egypt), 258, 896 Lichtenau (Danzig), 798 Lichtenberg (Prussia), 921, 954 Lick Observatory (Cal.), 511 Lidcombe (New South Wales), 369 Liechtenstein, 1070

— Customs Treaty, 1070

Liege (Belg.), 690 ;tn. 691; university,

691 Lieguitz (Prussia), 921 Liessau (Danzig), 798 Lifou Island (French Pacific), 911 Liguria (Italy), 1004, 1019 Liriou Island, 24 Likoma (Nyasaland), 195

Lille (France), 844 ; univ., 847 Lillooet, (British Columbia), 309 Lima (Ohio), 594 Lima (Peru), 1175, 1179 ; town, 1175

— univ., 1176 Limasol (Cyprus), 107 Limbe (Nyasaland), 195 Limbourg ( Belgium), province, 690 Limburg (Netherlands), 1097, 1105 ;

coal, 1106 Limerick, 13, 23 Limoges (France), 844 Limon (Costa Rica), 778

— port, 781, 1152

— province, 778

— town, 779

— wireless station, 782 Linares (Chile), province, 735

— (Spain), 1284 Lincoln, population, 18 Lincoln (Nebraska), 571 Linden (Prussia), 921 Lindenhafen (Pacific), 421 Lindi (Tanganyika), 183 Lindsey (Lines.), 16 Lingah (Persia), port, 1169 Linköping (Sweden), 1303 Linz (Austria), 682 Lippe, 918, 949

— area and population, 918, 949

— bank, 949

— finance, 949

— government, 949 Li pso (Aegean), 1032 Liro (Aegean), 1032

Lisbon (Portugal), 1195 ; town, 1195 J

univ., 1196 Lismore (New South Wales), 369 Lithgow (N«w South Wales), 369 Lithuania, 1224, 1246 sqq

— agriculture, 1250

— area and population, 1248

— army, 1250

— banks, 1249, 1250

— bee-keeping, 1250

— books of reference, 1251

— boundaries, 1186, 1248

— Cabinet, 1247

— commerce, 1260

— communications, 1250

— Constituent Assembly, 1247

— constitution and government ,1247

— crops, 1250