Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1513

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Lithuania, currency, 1251

— debt, 1249, 1250

— defence, 1250

— diplomatic representatives, 1251

— distilleries, 1250

— districts, 1248

— education, 1249

— ethnic elements, 1248

— finance, 1249

— forests, 1249, 1250

— imports and exports, 1250

— live stock, 125l>

— loans, 1250

— local government, 1 248

— manufactures, 1250

— ministry, 1247

— money, weights and measures, 1251

— political parties, 1247

— President, 1247

— production and industry, 1250

— i ail ways, 1250

— religion, 1249

— representation, 124 7

— roads, 1250

— State property, 1 249

— towns, 1249

— treaty with Russia, 1249

— university, 1249

— wheat, 1250 Little Aden, 95

Little Andaman Is., 163 Little Cayman Is., 342 Little Elobey(Sp. Af.), 1296, 12&7 Little Falls ("New York), 584 Little Popo (Togoland), 253, 254 Little Rock (Arkansas), 461, 508 Liu-Kiu Islands, see Riukiu Islands Liu-Kung Island (Weihaiwei), 177 Liverpool, population, 18; port,67,79:

university, 30, 31 Livingston (Guatemala), port, 981 Livingstone (Rhodesia), 206 Livonia, 1063, 1064, 1226 Livorno (Leghorn) (Italy), 1005

— port, 1024 ; town, 1007 Ljubliana (Serb, Croat, Slovene).

1266 Llanelly (Wales) port, 67 Llanquihue (Chile), prov., 735, 739 Loanda (Angola), 1203 Loango (French Congo), 887 Lobatsi(Bechuanaland), 203 Lobor (Uganda), 184


Lobos de Afuera (Peru), guano, 117!»

Lockport (New York), 584

Locle (Swi zerland), 1321

Lodz (Poland), 1186; military d is t. .

1189 Logansport (Indiana), 535 Logrono (Spain), province, 1283 Loja (Ecuador), 821 ; town, 821 Lokoja (Nigeria), 243 Lomami (Belgian Congo), 700 Lomas de Zamora (Arg. ), 670 Lombardy, 1004, 1019; silk, 1020 Lombok (Dutch East Indies), 1113 Lome (Togoland), 253, 254, 902 Lomond (Newfoundland), paper

mills. 335 London, population of, 20

— boroughs, 12

— City, area and population, 12, 20

— — Corporation of, 11, 12

— County of, 10

— County Council, 11, 12 debt, 50

— — finance, 50

— District, 52

— government, 10, 11, 12

— police, 11

— port, 79

— registration area and pop. , 20

— university, 30, 31 London (Australia), 362

London (Ont.), 285, 319; nniversitv

287, 319 Londonderry, 13, 23 Long Island (Bahamas), 338 Long Island (New Guinea), 420 Longyear 'City' (Spitsbergen), 1144 Lorain (Ohio), 594 Loralai (Baluchistan), 159 Lorca (Spain), 1284 Lord Howe Island (N.S.W.), 368, 378 Lord Howe Islands, 445 Lorengau (Pacific), 422 Loreto (Peru), dept., 1175 Lorha (Gold Coast), 250 Lorient (France), 844; ft., 855; pt.,857 Lorrach (Baden), 940 Los Andes (Argentina), 670 Los Andes (Venezuela), univ., 1369 Los Angeles (California), 461, oil Los Islands (West Africa), 251, 896 Los Rios (Ecuador), prov., 821 Los Santos (Panama), 1149