Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1514

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Louga (Senegal), 897

Loureneo Marques (Portuguese East

Africa), 1204, 1205 Louisiade Is. (Papua), 417; gold, 418 Louisiana, 4 58, 544 sqq

— agriculture, 477, 478, 546

— area and population, 458, 475, 544

— banks, 546

— books of reference, 546

— charity, 545

— cities, 544

— commerce, 546

— communications, 546

— const, and govern., 544

— cotton, 478, 546

— ciime, 545

— debt, 545

— defence, 545

— education, 545

— farms, 546

— finance, 545

— fisheries, 546

— Germans in, 544

— imports and exports, 546

— Indians in, 544

— live stock, 546

— manufactures, 546

— mining, 546

— naval station, 471

— pauperism, 545

— port, 492, 546

— production and industry, 477, 478,


— public lands, 475

— railways, 546

— religion, 544

— representation, 453, 544

— rice, 477, 546

— river transport, 546

— savings banks, 546

— timber, 479, 480, 546

— universities, 545

— wool, 546

Louisville (Kentucky), 461, 542 Louvain (Belgium), 691 ; univ., 691 Lowa (Belgian Congo), 700 Lowell (Massachusetts), 461, 558 Lower Silesia (Prussia), 954 Loyalty Islands (French Pacific), 911 Ltmng-Prabang( Laos State), 878,1273 Luapula, Upper (Belg. Congo), 700 Liibeck, 918, 949, 950

— area and population, 918, 949


Liibeck, books of reference, 950

— debt, 950

— ■ education, 949

— finance, 950

— justice, 950

— religion, 949

— town, 921, 949 Liibeck (Oldenburg). 951 Lublin (Poland), 1186

— courts, 1188

— military district. 1189

— town, 1186

Lucca (Italy), 1005; town, 1007 Lucerne (Switzerland), 1318, 1320

— town, 1321

Luchu Is. (Japan) 1038 Lucknow (India), 127 ; univ., 129 Luderitzbucht(S.W. Africa), 240.241

— diamonds, 240 Ludwigsburg (Wiirttemberg), 963 Ludwigshafen (Bavaria), 921, 943 Lugano (Switzerland), 1321 Lugansk (Russia), 1228

Lugo (Spain), province, 1283

Lukiko (assembly) (Uganda), 184

Lulea (Sweden), 1303

Lulonga (Belgian Congo), 700

Lulua (Belgian Congo), 700

Lund (Sweden), 1303; univ., 1303

Lunda (Angola), 1203

Lungchow (China), port, 747

Luque ( Paraguay), 1158

Lur race (Persia), 1165

Lusambo (B.Congo), wireless station,

703 Luton, population, 18 Lutein (Latvia), 1063 Luxembourg (Belg.), 690 Luxemburg (Gd. Duchy), 1071 sqq

— agriculture, 1072

— area and population, 1072

— books of reference, 1073

— communications, 1073

— Constituent Assembly. 1071

— constitution and government, 1 071

— Council of State, 1071, 1072

— debt, 1072

- defence, 1072

— diplomatic representatives, 1073

— education, 1072

— finance, 1072

— Grand-Duchess, 1071

— mining, 1072