Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1582

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Uganda Protectorate, population, 185

— posts and telegraphs, 186

— provinces, 184

— pygmies, 185

— railways, 181, 185

— religion, 185

— rubber, 185

— shipping, lake and river, 185

— telephones, 186

Ugyen Wangchuk, ruler (Bhutan), 704 Uitenhage (Cape Colony), 227 Uji-Yamada (Japan), 1040 Ukamba (Kenya), 179 Ukraine, 1224, 1252

— agriculture, 1252

— area and population, 1252

— books of reference, 1253

— commerce, 1253

— constitution, 1224, 1252

— diplomatic representatives, 1253

— education, 1252

— ethnic elements, 1252

— finance, 1252

— imports and exports, 1253

— production and industry, 1252

— railways, 1253

— religion, 1252

— sugar, 1252, 1253

— universities, 1252

— wheat, 1252, 1253 Uleaborg (Finland), 831 Uliasutai (Mongolia), 765 Ulm (Wurttemberg), 921, 963 Ulster, population, 23

— agricultural holdings, 63 Ulua (Honduras), 988 Uman (Russia), 1228

Umangi (Belg. Congo), wireless st.,

703 Umbria (Italy), 1005, 1019 Urn Nahsan Is. (Persian Gulf), 96 Uinrani district (Baluchistan), 160 Umtali (Rhodesia), 204 Ungava (Quebec), 323 Union, or Tokolau Islands (Pacific),

444 Union, La (Salvador), dept, 1255 ;

port, 1256 Union of South Africa, 210 sqq

— Administrators, 211

— agriculture, 218

— area and population, 212

— banks, 224

— births, marriages, deaths, 213


Union of South Africa, books of reference, 224

— coal, 220, 221, 222

— colleges, 214, 215

— commerce, 221

— communications, 223

— constitution, 210

— copper, 220

— cotton, 219, 222

— Councils, Executive, 210, 211 Provincial, 210, 211

— currency, 224

— customs valuation, 222

— dairying, 218, 219

— debt, 217

— defence, 217

— diamonds, 220, 222

— education, 214

— Executive Council, 210, 211

— finance, 216

provincial, 216, 217

War, 217

— forests, 219

— gold output, 219, 220, 221

— government, 210 provincial, 211

— Governor-General, 210, 211

— High Commissioner, 212

— House of Assembly, 2i0, 211

— imports and exports, 221

— industrial census, 213, 219

— irrigation, 219

— justice, 216

— languages, 212

— live stock, 219

— local government, 211 - maize, 218, 222

— mandate, 239

— manufactures, 219

— migration, 213

— mineral output, 219, 220

— mining, 219

— ministry, 211

— money, weights, & measure.-. 22 1

— native labour, 221

— occupation 1 -, 213, 221

— ostrich farming, 219, 222

— Parliament, 210, 211

— political parties, 210, 211

— posts and telegraphs, 223

— production and industry, 218

— provinces, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217,

218, 220, 221, and see under their Ham>ss