Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1583

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Union of South Africa, Provincial I Councils, 210, 211

finance, 211, 216, 217

government, 211

— railways, 223

— religion, 213

— representation, 210, 211

— salt, 220

— savings banks, 223

— Senate, 210, 211

— shipping, 223

— sugar, 219

— tea, 219

— tin, 220

— tobacco, 219, 220

— towns, 212, 213

— universities, 214, 215

— war loans, 217

— wheat, 218

— wine. 222

— wool, 219, 222

Tinted Provinces : Agra and Oudh riculture. 138, 139 area and pop., 117, 121, 128

— births and deaths, 126

.nals, 150 - education, 130

— finance, 135

— forests, 139, 140

— government, 117, 119

— justice, 131

— land revenue, 134, 137, 138 tenure, 134, 138

— native states, 122, 124, 128 ■

— religion. 128

— roads, 150

— tea (Agra), 140

United States (see also component States, under Names), 449 sqq

— agriculture, 474 sqq

— alcohol, 487

— area, 457, 458, 474, 475

— army, 468, 512 — • — casualties, 470

» — Asiatics in, 456, 457, 459,460,1040

— banks, 495 sqq

— birth, marriage, and death rates,


— books of reference, 500

— Cabinet, 451

— canals, see Chesapeake, Dalles

and Celilo, Erie, Nicaragua, Panama, Sault Ste. Marie, and State Barge


United States, canned goods, 479, 484, 487

— cereal crops, 477

— chemical industries, 483, 485, 488

— Chinese in, 456, 457, 460

— cities, 460, 461

— coal, 481, 488

— coinage, 495, 496

— commerce, 487 sqq

— communications, 493 sqq

— Congress, 449, 452, 453, 454

— constitution, 449

— copper, 481, 486, 488

— corn, 477, 490

— cotton, 478, 486, 488, 490

— crops, 477, 478

— currency and credit, 495, 499

— customs valuation, 487

— dairy products, 478, 484

— dams, 476, 507

— debt, iSS

— defence, 468 sqq

— dependencies 455, 458

— diplomatic representatives, 499

— divorce, 459

— education, 462

— elections, 449

— estimates, 467

— expeditionary forces, 469, 470

— factories, 478, 482 sqq

— farms, 476

— Federal Reserve Banks, 496-S

— fermented liquors, 487

— finance, Federal, 466

— — state, 468

— fisheries, 487, 491

— food products, 477, 478, 483, 488

— foreign-born population, 456, 457,

460, 1040, 1186

— foreign possessions, &c, see Guam,

Hawaii, Pauama, Philippines, Porto Rico, <tc.

— forestry, 479, 483, 485

— fruit and vegetables, canned, 479,


— Germans and Austrians in, 460,

ifc see under States

— gold, 481, 482, 488

— gold reserve, 495

— government, 449 sqq state and local, 454

— hay, 477

— House of Representatives, 452, 453

— immigration, 459, 460