Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1584

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1 532



United States, import duties, 489

— imports and exports, 487 sqq

— Indian population, 457, 459 finance of, 467

reservations, 458, Jksre States

schools, 463

— iron and steel, 481, 483, 484, 485,

486, 487

— irrigation, 476, and under States

— Japanese in, 457, 459, 460, 1040

— justice and crime, 464

— Labour, Ministry for, 452

— lands, public, 475, 476

— live stock, 478

— local government, 454

— lumber, sawn, 480, 483, 485

— manufactures, 482 sqq

— minerals, 480, 481, 482, 485, 486,


— money and credit, 495

— money, weights, measures, 495,499

— National Guard, 470

— natural gas, 481

— naval stations & coaling stations,

471, 512, 526, 577, 628, 641, 644, 651, 653, 784, 1125

— naval yards, 471, 512, 577, 628

— navy, 470 sqq

— negroes in, 453, 456, 460 farmers, 476

franchise, 453

  • population, 456, 460

— newspapers, &c. , 464

— occupations of the people, 458

— Officers Reserve Corps, 469, 470

— Orientals in, 456, 457, 459, 460,


— Panama Canal finance, 467

— paper, &c, 483, 485

— pauperism, 465

— petroleum, 481, 485, 491

— political parties, 454

— population, 456 sqq

foreign and foreign-born, 456,

457, 460, 1040, 1186, and see separate States

movement of, 459

occupations, 458

— ports, 492, 498

— posts and telegraphs, 494, 495

— precious stones, 482

— President, 449, 451, 470

— Presidents since 1789, 450

— production and industry, 474 aqq


United States, prohibition, 449, 512

— public lands, 475, 476, 635

— railways, 493, 494

— Reclamation Service, 476

— religion, 462

— representation, 452, 453

— revenue and expenditure, 466 sqq

— rice, 477

— salt, 481

— savings banks, 495

— schools, 462 sqq

— Secretaries, 451, 452

— Senate, 452, 453

— shipbuilding, 471, 472

— shipping and navigation, 491 sqq

— silver, 481, 482, 488

— spirits, production of, 487

— state finance, 468 government, 454

— states and territories, 454, 4o7,

458, 503 sqq

— sugar, 478, 484

— telephones, 494

— territories, 455, 458

— textiles, 483, 484

— timber, 479, 480

— tin, 481 plates, 485

— tobacco, 478, 483, 488

— trade with U.K., 489, 490, 491

— universities & colleges, 462, 463

— value of property, 468

— Vice-President, 450, 451

— Vice-Presidents sincel789, 450, 451

— war contingents, 469, 470

— wheat, 477, 490

— wines, spirits, &c. , 487

— woman suffrage, 449, 453

— wool, 479

— Yellowstone Park, 635 University College, Cork, 31 Dublin, 81

Gal way, 31

Unterfranken (Bavaria), 942 Unterwald (Switzerland), cantons,

1318, 1320 Upolu Is. (Western Samoa), 488, 439 Upper Buchanan (Liberia), 1067 Upper Hesse (Hesse), 948 Upper Luapula (Belgian Congo), 700 Upper Senegal and Niger (French),

900. Sec French Sudan Upper Silesia (Czecho-Slovakia), 790,