Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/207

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Currency, Weights, and Measures.

The money, weights, and measures ol India, and the British equivalents are now as follows : —

The Pis = 4 Farthing.

3 =1 Pies . . = li Farthing.

4 Pie:, or 12 Pie . = 1 A%%a . . . = \\ Penny. 16 Annas . - 1 Rupee . . = 2s.

\Q Rupees = R

Prior to September, 1920, 15 rupees = 1 A The rnpee weighs one tola (a tola = 180 grains;, '916 tine. Nickel 4 and 8 anna pieces have been introduced info India (1919). The sum of 1,00,000 rupees is called a 'lakh,' and of 1,00,00,000a 'crore' of rupees. A ' lakh ' of rupees is now equivalent to 10,0007.

The Maund of Bengal of 40 ten . = oirdupois.

,, ,, Bombay . . . = 28 lbs. nearly.

,, ,, Madras . . . = 25 lbs. nearly.

,, Tola = 180 gr.

,, Ouz of Bengal . . . = 36 inches.

An Act to provide for the ultimate adoption of a uniform system of weights and measures of capacity throughout British India was passed by the Governor-General of India in Council in 1871. This Act, however, has never been brought into operation. The matter was again considered by a Weights and Measures Committee, appointed in 191S, and the evidence was generally in favour of a uniform system, provided there is not a too radical change from the existing practice. The report of the Committee is under the consideration of the Government of India.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning India. 1. Official Pcblications.

Administration : Reports on the various provinces. Annual. — Statistics of British India. Annual. Calcutta.

Agricultural Statistics of India. Annual. Calcutta.

Army : Indian Army List. Quarterly. — Wars on or beyond the borders of British India since 1849. London, 1901.

Banks. Statistical Tables. Calcutta. Annual.

Famines: Reports of Famine Commissions, 18S5, 1887, and 1898. — Relief Operations, 1899-1900. Vol. I., British Districts; Vol. II., Xative States.— Advances to Agriculturists at end of Famine. London, 1901.

Finance : Accounts and Estimates, Explanatory Memorandum. Annual.— Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure. Annual. — Financial Statement of the Government of India with discussion in the Legislative Council. Annual. — Home Accounts. Annual. — Income and Expenditure under specified heads. Annual. — Report of Royal Commission on the Administration of the Expenditure of India. 4 vols. London, 190L — Statistic* of British India. Annual. Calcutta. Report of the Currency Committee of 1899. Calcutta, 1899.

Gazetteers: The Imperial Gazetteer of India. "2nd ed. 26 vols, completed in 1909. London — Provincial and District Gazetteers.

India List and India Office List. Annual.

Judicial: Judicial and Administrative Reports. Annual. Calcutta. — Unrepealed General Acts of the Governor-General of India in Council. 6 vols. Calcutta, 1898-99. Statistics of British India. Annual. Calcutta.

Live-stock Statistics, 1919- 20. Calcutta, 1921.

Maritime Trade and Customs Administration of Bengal, Bombav, Karachi, Madras and Burma. Annual Reports.

Mining : Report on the Inspection of Mines in India. Annual. Calcutta. Report on the Production and Consumption of Coal in India. Annual. Calcutta.

Population : Report on the Census of British India, 1911. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1913.

Public Services in India (I913U Report of Royal Commission, and Evidence. London.

QninquennialReports on Education in Indis. I British India. Annual. Calcutta,

Railways : Report on Railways. Annual. London.

Sauitary Condition: Report on Sanitary Measures. Annual. London.— Plagne Commission. 3 vols, of evidence, 1S9S-99 London, 1900.

Surveys : Reports of the Trigonometrical Surveys of India.

The Area and Yield of Principal Crops in India. Annual. Calcutta.