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Tlie Indian Empire : A Short Review, and some hints for the use of soldiers proceeding to India. London, 1917.

Trade. Annual Statement of the Trade of British India with Foreign Countries &c. Calcutta. — Review of the Trade of India. Annual. London.

Treaties : Collection of Treaties, <fcc, relating to India. Edited by Sir C. U. Aitchison 11 vols. Calcutta, 1892.

General Statistics : Statistical Abstract for British India. Annual. London.

Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India. Annual. London. Montagu <fe Chelmsford : Report on Indian Constitutional Reform. Report of the Indian Industrial Commission. Prices and Wages in India Annual. Calcutta. Index Numbers of Prices in India. Annual. Caloutta

2. Non-Official Publications.

Adye (Sir J.), Indian Frontier Policy. Historical Sketch. London, 1897.

Aga Khan (H. H.). India in Transition : a Study in Political Evolution. London, 1918.

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Archer (W ), India and the Future. London, 1917.

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Bonarjee(P. D ), Handbook of the Fighting Races of India. London, 1901.

Brown (P.). Picturesque Nepal. London. 1912.

Bruce (Hon Mrs. C. G.), Kashmir. London, 1912.

Buckla id (E. C), Handbook for India, Bunnah, and Ceylon. 10th edition. London, 1919.

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Burgess (J), The Chronology of Modern India, 1494-1894. Edinburgh, 1913.

Campos (J. J. A.), History of the Portuguese in Bengal. London, 1919.

Chailley (Joseph), Administrative Problems of British India. [Eng. Trans.]. London, 1911.

Chirol (V.), The Middle Eastern Question. London, 1903. — Indian Unrest, London, 1911.

Collier (Price), The West in the East. London, 1911.

Cotton (C. W E.), Handbook of Commercial Information for India. Calcutta, 1920.

Cotton (Sir H. J. S.), New India, or India in Transition. 2d. ed. London, 1904.

Creagh (General Sir O'W.), Indian Studies. London, 1918.

Crooke (W.), The Tribes and Castes of the North-West Provinces and Oudh. 4 vols. Calcutta, 1896. The Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India. 2 vols. London, 1897. The North-West Provinces of India, their History, Ethnology, and Administration. London, 1897.

Cunningham (J. D.), A History of the Sikhs; New edition, revised by H. L. O. Garrett. London, 1919.

Curtis (L.), Dyarchy (papers relating to). London, 1921.

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Das (G.), The Governance of India. Madras, 191S.

Dautremer (J.), Burma under British Rule. London, 1913.

Dewnr (D ), Handbook to English Pre-mutiiiv Records of the United Provinces. Allahabad, 1921.

Dickinson (G. Lowes), An Essay on the Civilisation of India, China and Japan. London, 1914.

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Dutt (R. C), Economic History of British India. London, 1902. — India in the Victorian Age. London, 1904.

Elliot (Sir H. M.) History of India as told by its own Historians. The Mussulman period. 8 vols. London, 1869-77.

Elwin (E. F.), India and the Indians. London, 1912.

Enriquez (C. M.), A Burmese Enchantment. Calcutta, 1916.— The Pathan Borderland. New ed. Calcutta, 1921.

Filippl (Filippo de), Karakorum and Western Himalaya. London, 1912.

Fisher (F B ), and Williams (G. M), India's Silent Revolution. London, 1920.

Forrest (G. W.), History of the Indian Mutiny. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1904-1914 — Cities of India, Past and Present. London, 1911.- The Life of Lord Clive. London, 1918.

Forsyth (J.), Highlands of Central India. London, 1919.

Fortescue (Hon. John), Narrative of the Visit to India of their Majesties King George V. * Queen Mary, and of the Coronation Burbar held at Delhi, December 12, 1911. London, 1912.

Foster (W.), The English Fartories in India. 7 vols Oxford.

Frazer (L.), India under Curzon and After. London, 1911.

Frazer (R. W.), British India in 'Story of the Nations' series. London, 1897.— Literary History of India. London, 1920.
