Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/730

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Estadistica general del comercio exterior de la Repiiblica Argentina. Annual. Buenos Aires.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

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Year-Book of the City of Buenos Aires, issued by the Municipality of Buenos Aires. Annual. Buenos Aires.

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Argentine International Trade : A Few Figures as to its Development — General Descrip- tion of the Argentine Republic— El Commercio Internacional Argentino — Climate of the Argentine Republic by Walter G. Davis, Director of the Argentine Meteorological Office- La Argentina Agricola.

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2. Non-Official Publications.

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Craitre (F.), A travers l'Argentine Moderne. Paris, 1910.

Danvert (Ernesto), Electrical Enterprise in Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1900.

Denis (P.), La Ropublique Argentine. Paris, 1920.

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Fraser (John Foster), The Amazing Argentine. London, 1914.

(iambon (It. P. V.), Compendio de historia Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1911.

Garzon(E.), Ls R6publique Argentine. Paris, 1912.

Gordon (11. J.), Argentina and Uruguay. London, 1917.

Hammer ton (J . A.), The Real Argentine. New York. 1915— The Arg en t in e through English Eyes, and a Summer in Uruguay. London, liilC.

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Huret (J.), En Argentine. Paris, 1913.

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