Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/731

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PilUdo iRicardoX Argentine International Trade, Buenos Aires, 1£»10. — AnTentine Loans. Buenos Aires 190°. — Censo industrial d>- la Republica, 1910. In progress.— Bitfudio sobre, el Comercio Argentino con las nactun< - Buenos Ai r - ' flO.

Posada (A.), La Republica Argentina. Madrid, 1912.

Quevedo(&. A. L.), Various Ethnological and Topographical Works. Buenos 1S98 and 1899.

Review of the River Plate. Weekly. BuenDs Aires.

Revista de Economia Argentina.

Roten (E. von), Archaeological Researches on the Frontier of Argentina and Bolivia, 1901-02. Stockholm, 1904.

Rot* (Gordon), Argentina and Uruguay. New York, 1916.

Sarmitnto (Domingo Faustino). Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants. Translated by Mrs. H. Mann. London, 1868.

Schmidt (W.) und Grotewold iC), Argentinien in geograph ischer, geachichtlicuer und wirtschaftlicher Beziehung. Hannover, 1919.

Sehuttrr (A. X.). Argentinien : Land, Vo'.k. Wirtschaftsleben. 2 vols. Munich, 1913.

Skotuberg (C>, The Wilds of Patagonia. London. 1911.

Seeber (F.), Great Argentina: Comparative Studies between Argentina, Brazil, Chile. Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia and Paraguay. Buenos Aires, 1904.

SUton (H. L>.), La Republique Argentine. Paris, 1909.

Sociedad Cientiflca Alemana Patagonia. 2 vols.. 1918. Buenos Aire*.

Stephent(lleuTy\ Illustrated Descriptive Argentina. New York, I

Tornquitt (E.i, The Economic Development of the Argentine Republic in the last Fifty Years. Buenos Aires, 1919.

Vrien (C. Ml. and Colombo (E.), Geografia Argentina: Estudio historieo, flsieo, politico, social, y econoinico. Buenos Aires, 1910.

Wallace (Prof.), Argentine Shows and Livestock. Edinburgh, 1904.

Wiener (C.). La Republique Argentine. Paris. 1899.

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Z f ballot (E. dc), Descripcion Amena de la Republica Argentina. 3 vols. Buenos Aires. 1S81.

3. Publications on Latin America.

The Encvclopedia of Latin America (Edited by Marrion Wilcox * George E. Reves. New York, 1917.

The South American Year Book. Edited by C. S. Veaey Brown. London. Annual.

The British and Latin American Trade Gazetta. Monthly. No. 1. June, 1917.

Bulletin of the Pan-American Union. Washington. Monthly.

Ambrotiut iE.). Staalenkunde Sudamerikas. Leipzig, 1909.

£ab«o!»(R.), The Future of South America. London, 1916.

Barclay (W. G >, The Geography of South American Railways. Geographical Journal for March, 1917.

Ka«ii (J. O. P.), Men, Manners, and Morals in South America. London. 19-20.

Bollo (L. C.X South America Past and Present. New York, 1919.

Bonce ( W. D.X Illustrated South America. Chicago and New York. 1913.

Bryce (J.). South America: Observations and Impressions. London, 1912.

Buekman (William), Under the Southern Cross in South America New York, 1914.

Bnrklin(W.), Slid- und Mittelameri lea unter dem wirtschaftlichen Einflusse des Wtlt- krieges. Berlin, 1915.

Calderon (?. G.), Latin America, its Rise and Progress. London, 1913.

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Goetter (A), The Literary History of Spanish America. New York, 1916.

Cooper (C. 8.), Understanding South America. New York and London. 1920.

Domeville-Fifc (C. W.), The States of South America. London, 1920.

Enock (C. R.), The Republics of Central and South America. London, 1913.— The Tropics. A Description of the Tropical Lands of Africa, Central and South America. Asia, and Australasia, their Natural Products, *c London, 1915. — Spanish America. 2 vols. London, 1920.

Torrent (A. S.). A Tour through South America. London, 1913.

Godman(F. du C), Biologia Centrali- Americana. 63 vols. London, 1879-1915.

Goldberg (I.). Studies in Spanish-American Literature. New York, 1920.

Goldsmith (Peter H.), A Brief Bibliography of Books relating to the Latin-American Republics. New York, 1915.

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Hint (A. W.), A Guide to South America. London, 1915.

Joyce (T. A.), Central American and West Indian Archeology. London, 191C.

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