Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/994

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1919, and a struggle ensued between the extremists of the Left, who proclaimed themselves Bolshevists, and their more moderate opponents, with varying success on either side. By May, 1919, the moderate party had returned to power.

The constitution of August 14, 1919, establishes the Free State of Bavaria. The supreme power lies with the people. The Diet consists of one Chamber, elected for 4 years on the basis of 1 member for every 40,000 in- habitants ; at present there are 183 members. The present Chamber will continue until June 30, 1922. The suffrage is universal, equal, direct, secret and proportional. All citizens over 23 years of age have the vote. The supreme executive power is exercised by the Ministry as a whole. All privileges of birth and caste are abolished. The Church is separated from the State. All religious associations have equal rights, and are free in their activities.

State of parties in the Bavarian National Constituent Assembly (elected July, 1920) : — Bavarian People's Party, 65 ; Majority Socialists, 25 ; German Democrats, 12 ; Peasants' Union, 12 ; National Liberals, 19 ; and Independent Socialists, 20 ; members for Coburg, 3.

The Cabinet, constituted on March 7, 1920, is as follows : —

Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs. — Herr Dr. von Kahr.

Minister of Education.— Herr Dr. Matt.

Minister of Commerce and Industry. — Herr Hamm.

Minister of Social Welfare. — Herr Oswald.

Minister of Agriculture. — Herr Wutzelhofer.

Minister of the Interior. — The Premier.

Minister of Finance. — Dr. Krausneck.

Minister of Justice. — Dr. Roth.

Area and Population :—


Area, Eng. sq. miles


Pop. per

1910 1919


Upper Bavaria (Oberbayern) Lower Bavaria (Niederbayern) . Palatinate (Rheinpfalz) Upper Palatinate (Oberpfalz)

6,686 4.2P8 2,372 3,862 2,798 3,036 3,360 3,934 216


1,532,065 1,584,885 724,331 740,663 937,085 957,348 600,284 612,021 661,862 j 657,473 930,868 . 949,524 710,943 ■ 737,135 789,853 836,753 74,818 74,344

6, '.'<;-•. 109 |7,150,146

237-0 172-3 403*1 158-5

Upper Franconia (Oberiranken) . Middle Franconia (Mittelfranken) Lower Franconia (Unterfranken) . Suabia (Schwaben) Coburg

Total ....

2349 3127 219-3

212-8 344-1


On November 30, 1919, the inhabitants of the Free State of Coburg decided by an overwhelming majority to join the Free State of Bavaria, ami on March 11, 1920, the Bavarian Diet unanimously adopted a bill for the Union of the two Republics.

To the area kas to be added 257 square miles for water.

Of the total population at the end of 1910, 3,404,458 were males and 3,745^,688 females.