Page:Sun Tzu on The art of war.djvu/169

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Capt. Calthrop makes the saying end here, which cannot be justified.

if you know Heaven and know Earth,

and are transposed for the sake of the jingle between and . The original text, however, has 知天知地, and the correction has been made from the T‘ung Tien.

you may make your victory complete.

As opposed to 勝之半, above. The original text has 勝乃不窮, the corruption being perhaps due to the occurrence of 不窮 in the preceding sentence. Here, however 不窮 would not be synonymous with 不困, but equivalent to 不可以窮 “inexhaustible,” “beyond computation.” Cf. V. § 11. The T‘ung Tien has again supplied the true reading. Li Ch‘üan sums up as follows: 人事天時地利三者同知則百戰百勝 “Given a knowledge of three things—the affairs of man, the seasons of heaven and the natural advantages of earth—, victory will invariably crown your battles.”