Page:Sun Tzu on The art of war.djvu/261

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P. ix, note: For “edition” read “translation.”
P. 14, line 3: For “by” read “in the.”
P. 16, line 5: For “T.” read “T'u Shu.”
P. 16, § 19, note: Before “War” insert “Soldiers are not to be used as playthings.”
P. 17, § 1: 全軍, etc. The more I think about it, the more I prefer the rendering suggested on p. 159, § 22, note.
P. 17, § 1 note, and p. 78, line 6: Insert “the” before “Ssŭ-ma Fa.”
P. 33, note on heading: Cf. X. § 12, where is translated “strength,” though it might also be “conditions.” The three words , and have been much confused. It appears from the Shuo Wên that the last character is post-classical, so that Sun Tzŭ must have used either or in all senses.
P. 45, line 1: For “sublety” read “subtlety.”
P. 63, line 4: M. Chavannes writes in the T‘oung Pao, 1906, p. 210: “Le général Pan Tch‘ao n’a jamais porté les armes chinoises jusque sur les bords de la mer Caspienne.” I hasten to correct my statement on this authority.
P. 80, 9th line from the bottom: For read .
P. 109, § 23, note, and p. 126, 5th line from bottom: For “Huang Shih-kung” read “Huang-shih Kung.”
P. 124, line 7: For “Ch‘ên” read “Ch‘ên Hao.”
P. 136, 11th line from bottom: Insert “to” before “select.”
P. 152, § 2: Substitute semi-colon for full stop after “available.”