Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/224

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knights' fees in Hachesham and Camerwell were held of Humfrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, by William de Say and the heirs of Richard de Vabadune. This, however, is incorrect to a certain extent; the lordship of Humfrey de Bohun was confined to Camberwell, and did not include Hatcham; moreover, William de Say held directly from the king, not from Humfrey de Bohun.

By a fine levied in the eighteenth year of Henry III., Robert de Retherhee and Agnes his wife, in consideration of seven silver marks, granted to William, son of Benedict, and his heirs for ever, five acres of meadow in Hachesham; rendering annually half a pound of cummin and one penny within fifteen days of Easter.

By another fine levied in Trinity Term, 31 Henry III., Avicia, formerly the wife of James the Goldsmith, granted to Laurence, son of William, one third part of ten acres of land in Retherhethe and Hechesham, being her dower of the freehold which belonged to her husband in those villages; and in consideration of that fine the said Laurence granted to Avicia a rent of one mark issuing out of a tenement in London, held of Laurence by Robert de Herefeld, to be received by her yearly during her life; and after her decease the rent was to revert to Laurence and his heirs for ever.

By a deed dated on the feast of St. James, 52 Henry III. [1268], and made between Adam de Strattone, clerk, of the one part, and Thomas de Heyham and Isabella his wife of the other part, the said Adam granted and demised to the said Thomas and Isabella, and to the heirs of Thomas, in fee farm, one messuage and all the lands and tenements which he possessed in the villages of Retherheth, Bermundeseye, Camerwell, and Hachesham, which formerly belonged to Sarah, daughter of