Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/225

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Henry of London, to be holden of the said Adam and his heirs, rendering yearly ten marks at Michaelmas for all services. And, moreover, the said Thomas and Isabella covenanted to sustain the houses, garden, and everything belonging to the said lands and tenements, without waste or destruction, in the same state in which they received them, or in a better, and also all the embankment against the Thames belonging; to the said lands and tenements at their own expense; so that, in default thereof, neither the said Adam or his heirs should suffer any diminution in the said rent of ten. marks, or the tenants in Rotherhithe or their neighbours suffer any loss or damage; to the faithful performance of all which the said Thomas and Isabella, for themselves and the heirs of the said Thomas, bound all their goods, movable and immovable, present and to come, and also all their lands; and they granted to the said Adam, and his heirs or assigns, power to enter upon the said lands and tenements to distrain in case of any breach in this agreement. And if the water of the Thames should overflow and break through the wall belonging to the Prior of Bermundeseye, or any other wall not so well sustained, and submerge wholly or in part the said land at Retherheth, so that Thomas and Isabella, or the heirs of Thomas, could receive none of the profits thereof, it was agreed that the rent should decrease in proportion to the land they might lose, to be estimated by a jury of good and lawful men, unless Thomas and Isabella, or the heirs of Thomas, could recover by law against those the insecurity of whose walls had occasioned damage. And it was also agreed that if the said Thomas and Isabella could enfeoff Adam of certain lands in the parish of Bysseye within the year next following, then the said Adam would enfeoff the said Thomas and Isa-