Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/241

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By an indenture dated the 14th March, 9 James I. [1612], and made between George Salter and John Williams of the one part, and Peter Vanlore, of London, esquire, and William Blake, of London, gentleman, of the other part; Salter and Williams bargained and sold to Vanlore and Blake, their heirs and assigns, the manor of Hachambarnes, to hold unto and to the use of Vanlore and Blake, their heirs and assigns for ever.[1]

By an indenture dated the 6th April, 10 James I. [1612], made between Vanlore and Blake of the one part, and Cristofer Brooke, of Lincoln's Inn, esquire, and William Hakewill, of Lincoln's Inn, gentleman, of the other part; Vanlore and Blake, in consideration of £2,050, bargained and sold to Brooke and Hakewill, their heirs and assigns for ever, the manor of Hachambarnes.[2]

By an indenture dated the 1st November, 11 James L, [1613], and made between Sir John Brooke, alias Cobham, of the Strand, in the county of Middlesex, knight, Christopher Brooke, and William Hakewill of the one part, and Sir John Garrard and Sir Thomas Lowe, knights, and aldermen of London, Robert Offley, and Martin Bond, citizens and haberdashers of London, of the other part; Sir John Brooke, Christopher Brooke, and Hakewill, in consideration of £4,380 paid to Sir John, bargained and sold to Garrard, Lowe, Offley, and Bond, their heirs and assigns for ever—

"All that the mannor of Hachambarnes in the parishes of Westgreenwich and Lewsham, in the counties of Kent and Surrey, with all and every, the rights, members, and appurtenaunces thereof; and all lands, tenements, rents, and hereditaments whatsoever, in the said counties of Kent and Surrey, called or knowne by the name of the mannor of Hachambarnes (except as hereafter in these presents is excepted). And all those severall parcels of lands and grounds hereafter particulerly men-
  1. Close Roll, 10 James I., part 20.
  2. Close Roll, 10 James I., part 24.