Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/242

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cioned, with their and every of their appurtenaunces, scituate, lying, and being in the said parrishes and counties, or some or one of them: That is to say, one close or parcell of ground commonlie called East Odefeild, contayning by estimacion two and twentie acres, be it more or lesse; one other close or parcell of ground, as the same is nowe inclosed, commonly called South Odefeild, conteyning by estimacion twelve acres and a halff, be it more or lesse; two closes or parcells of ground adjoyning together, the one called fowerteene acres, and thother ffifteene acres, both of them conteyning by estimacion nyne and twenty acres and a halff, be they more or lesse; one other close or parcell of meadowe ground, commonly called Crabtree Meade, conteyning by estimacion sixe acres, be it more or lesse; all which nowe are, or late were, in the occupacion or holding of Richard Nettles Butcher or his assignes; one other parcell of land commonly called twelve acres, adjoyning upon the foresaid parcell of ground, called Crabtree Meade, conteyning by estimacion twelve acres, be it more or lesse; all those meadowe or pasture groundes now devided into three severall closes, commonlie called the Alders and Horsclose, or by both or one of those names, conteyning by estimacion one and twentie acres, be it more or lesse; one lane leading from the said closes called the Alders, to the said parcell of land called the Twelve Acres, which parcells last mencioned nowe are, or late were, in the occupacion or holding of Thomas Large or his assignes; one close or parcell of ground called foure acrefeild, nowe, or late in the occupacion of ——Palmer or his assignes, conteyning by estimacion one and twentie acres and a halfe, be it more or lesse, lying and adjoyning to the north syde of parte of the foresaide ground called the Alders; one close or parcell of ground called Rushey Close, conteyning by estimacion sixe acres and a half, be it more or lesse; one other parcell of meadowe ground as the same is nowe inclosed, conteyning by estimacion two acres, be it more or lesse, and lying betwixt the howse of the said mannor and the aforesaide feild called Odefeild, which two last parcells nowe are, or late were, in the possession or holding of Richard Cooke or his assignes; and also one parcell of marish ground commonly called the Twentie Acres, conteyning by estimacion one and twentie acres, be it more or lesse, nowe or late in the holding or occupacion of Henry Fesey or his assignes; and all that close or parcell of meadow or pasture ground, nowe or late in the occupacion of Marke Bannester or his assignes, conteyning by estimacion fyve acres, be it more or lesse, adjoyning to the south syde of part of the foresaid ground called the Alders, and abutteth uppon the highway there, leading to Debtford towards the south; except and alwaies reserved out of this present graunt, bargaine, and sale, all those meadowes, pastures, woods, landes, and groundes, with all and singuler their appurtenaunces parcell of the said mannor and premises, which lye