Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/301

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also devised a messuage or tenement called the Dolfyn, and a brewhouse called the Bere, with a tavern thereto belonging, in the parishes of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Olave.

1th Aug. 1466, 6 Edw. IV. — William Wykes, of Southwark, 3 by will recommends his soul to Almighty God and his Saviour, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, his mother, and to all the saints, and his body to be buried in the churchyard of St. Olave's, next to the place where his father lay. And he gives to the altar of the same church, for his tithes and offerings forgotten or by negli- gence detained, for the discharge of his soul, xl. Also he gives to the brotherhood or order of St. Anthony in London xl. ; and to the brotherhood of the Blessed Mary of the Church of St. Paul, London, xl., with several other like bequests.

A. D. 1466. — In the Name of God, Amen. The xxvj th day of October, the year of our Lord God, mcccclxvj and the vj year of the reign of King Edward the iiij 11 '. 4 I John Burcestre, Knight, whole in mind and in good memory being, make, ordain, and dispose this my pre- sent testament of my last will, in this manner wise. First, I bequeath and recommend my soul to Almighty

3 William Wykes is one of the correspondents in the Paston Letters. He was probably a steward or retainer of Sir John Fastolfe at his house in St. Olave's, Southwark.

4 Sir John Burcestre, Burghchester, or Burcettor, was of the same family as Cardinal Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury. He possessed the manor of the Maze, in the parish of St. Olave, South- wark, in which parish was also the London residence of Sir John Fastolfe. Sir John Burceter is mentioned in one of the Paston Letters by Thos. Playters, dated London, 8th April, 1461, as having given him some intelligence.