Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/302

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God, my Creator and Saviour, and to our Blessed Lady the Virgin, his mother, and to all Holy Saints in Heaven, and my body to be buried in the wall beside the Holy King, Saint Olave, 5 in Southwark, in the county of Surrey. Item, I Avill that after my burying as soon as Elizabeth, my wife, conveniently may, that all my debts which I owe be fully paid. Item, I be- queath to the high altar of the said Church of Saint Olave for my tithes and offerings forgotton or by negli- gence witholden, in discharge of my soul, xiijs. mjd. di. Item, I will that an honest priest be found of my goods, for to sing at the altar of Saint John, in the said Church of Saint Olave, by x years next following after my decease, for my soule and for the souls of my father and mother, for all my friends' souls, and for all Christian souls. Item, I will that x marks of money be observed and employed to and for my obite, to be kept by x years, solemnly to be done in the said Church of Saint Olave, for my soul and all the souls abovesaid, with Placebo, Dirige, and Mass of Requiem. Item, I will and bequeath that after the death of my said wife the ladies of the Minories, besides London, where my father lietli buried, have my blue vestement. Item, I give and bequeath to serve and be set upon the high altar of the said Church of St. Olave, in festfull days, ij little basons of silver with the arms of Burghcrsh. 5 Item, I will that every of

5 There was an image or statue of St. Olave in the church which was removed or destroyed at the Reformation, and restored in the reign of Queen Mary, as appears from the following extracts from the church- wardens' accounts from 1556 to 1558: — "Item, paid to John Carowe for making a septor and an axe for St. Towle (Tooley, or Olave), iijs. 'riijd. Item, payd to Modyn for Saint Olyff, xxxs. Item, payd more for a <!<'ii r when we set him up, us. viijrf."

6 These notices of the arms and church of Burghcrsh arc rcmavkahle, particularly as they appear to refer to an alliance which took place a