Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/303

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my servants be rewarded by the discretion of my said wife, after the quantity of their service. Item, I bequeath to the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas, clerks, in London, vjs. iiijd. Item, I will that after the decease of the said Elizabeth my wife, my white vestment with garters, and a chalice, be delivered to the Church of Burghersh. Item, I bequeath to the use of the Church of Saint Olave aforesaid a vestment of black velvet, with the apparel, ij curtains, and 1 frontcll of the same, to be delivered to the same church of St. Olave incontinently after the decease of my said wife, and to serve for my obite there. Item, I bequeath to the Brotherhood of Our Lady in the same Church of Saint Olave, to pray specially for my soul, vjs. viijd. Item, I bequeath to the sisterhood of Saint Anne in the same Church vjs. viijd The residue of all my goods, debts, and chattels, moveable and immoveable, wheresoever they be after my debts plenary paid and this my present testament fully fulfilled, I bequeath freely and wholly to the foresaid Elizabeth my wife, to dispose after her own free will, willing and desiring her to do for my soul as she would I should do for her soul in like case, which Elizabeth my wife I make my sole executrix of this my present testament. In witness whereof, to this my present testament I have put my seal in presence of John Bennet, Thos. Hoy, John White, Thomas Hoddesdon, and Thome Auery, the day and year abovesaid.

Proved and Administration granted to the Widow, 27th Nov., 1466. — Prerog. C. of Canterbury.