Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/268

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subsidence of pain and swelling. Hence it should be used in all types of swelling whether ulcerated or otherwise.

A medicinal plaster (Álepanam) applied over an ulcer is called by the changed epithet of Kalka or Niruddha-Álepanam (arrestive or astringent plaster). The function of such an Álepanam consists in arresting a local haemorrhage, in softening the ulcer, in withdrawing sloughing or putrifying flesh from its cavity, in checking the formation of pus in its inside, and in correcting the morbid matter or deranged humours (that retard its union and healing).

Metrical Texts:—A medicinal plaster of the Álepanam class would prove beneficial in a swelling marked by the absence of suppuration, inasmuch as it subdues the characteristic symptoms of each of the deranged bodily humours viz, the burning sensation (peculiar to the deranged Pittam), itching (incidental to the deranged state of Kapham) and the aching pain (which marks the disorder of the bodily Vayu). Its action lies principally in cleansing the skin, the flesh and the blood of all morbiferous diatheses, in removing the burning sensation, and in alleviating the piercing pain and itching.

A physician (surgeon) should use an Álepana in (ulcerous) diseases appearing about the anus, or about any other vital part (Marmas) of the body, with a view