Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/269

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to bring about the purification of the (local deranged humours). In diseases caused by a deranged condition of the Váyu, Pittam or Kapham, medicinal plasters should be respectively mixed with a quantity of clarified butter, measuring a sixth, quarter, and an eighth part of their respective quantities.

It has been said that the thickness of an Álepanam should not be made to exceed that of the newly-flayed skin of a buffalo. Under no condition, should a medicinal plaster be applied at night, inasmuch as such a measure would arrest the escape or radiation of heat from the swelling in virtue of its own inherent humidity, and thus bring on an aggravation.

Metrical Texts:—In diseases, which are amenable to the application of medicinal plasters of the Pradeha type, as well as in swellings resulting from the vitiated condition of blood and the Pittam, or in those which are of extrinsic origin, or are due to the effect of a poison or blow, the plaster should be applied cold, by day. A plaster should not be applied without removing the previous one, nor over the one applied on the day before, as this would increase the local heat and aggravate the pain and the burning sensation on account of its greater or increased thickness. A medicinal plaster, previously used, should not be moistened and applied again; it should be held