Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/366

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[ Chap. XXVII.

A shaft (Shalyam), lodged in a bone and lying protruded in the heaved up local flesh (situated in a place other than the inguinal regions, abdomen, or arm-pits, etc.), should be stirred by striking it on the head with an Asthila a round stone,—a short hammer according to certain authorities), or with a stone or hammer, and should be taken out by the way of its penetration.

The feather of a barbed shaft, lying embedded in a bone situated at a part of the organism where the existence of such a foreign matter is calculated not to create any special discomfort, should be first crushed by putting pressure on the heaved up or protruded flesh, and the shaft then should be gently pulled out of its seat of lodgment.

In the case of a bit of shellac being accidentally pricked into the pharynx, a metal tube should be first inserted into the passage, and then a heated metallic rod should be reached down to the obstructing shellac through its inside. The shellac, thus melted by the heat of the inserted rod, would naturally stick fast to it, which should be then condensed by an injection of cold water poured down through the aforesaid tube; after that the rod should be withdrawn thus carrying away the melted shellac at its end.

According to certain authorities, any other obstructing foreign matter accidentally introduced into the pharynx should be withdrawn with the help of a rod,