Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/367

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soaked in melted wax or shellac, and then inserted into that passage, all other procedure being the same as in the preceding instance.

In the case of a bone Shalyam (such as the bone of fish etc.) having accidentally stuck fast in the throat, a bundle of hair, tied to a string of thread, should be inserted into the gullet of the patient, the physician holding the other end of the string in his hand. Then a copious quantity of water, or of any other liquid substance, should be poured down into his throat, so as to entirely fill his stomach. After that some kind of emetic should be given to the patient, and the string should be pulled out as soon as the bundle of hair would be felt to have struck below the obstructing bone or Shalyam, which would naturally come out with the pull. As an alternative, the top end of a soft twig, as is generally used in cleansing the teeth, should be bruised into the shape of a brush, and the thorn or the Shalyam should be removed with its help. The incidental wound should be treated by making the patient lick a compound of clarified butter and honey, or of the powders of the Triphala, saturated with honey and sugar.

The body of the patient should be pressed or rubbed, or he should be whirled round by the ankles, or generally measures, calculated to induce vomiting, should be adopted in a case where he would be found to have