Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/459

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the five groups of medicinal roots (Mulam), each consisting of similar number of components.

The Svalpa Panchamulam Group:—The group known as the minor group of five roots (Svalpa-Pancha-Mula) consists of the roots of medicinal plants known as the Trikantaka, the two species of Vrihati, Prithakparni, and Vidarigandha.

Metrical Texts:—The compound possesses a taste blended of astringent, bitter and sweet. It is a tonic and aphrodisiac, subdues the deranged Vayu and proves soothing to the deranged Pittam.

The Mahat Panchamula Group:—The one known as the great or the major group of five medicinal roots (Mahat-Pancha-Mula) consists of the roots of such trees as Vilva, Agnimantha, Tuntuka, Patala and Kashmari.

Metrical Texts:—It is bitter in taste and subdues the deranged Kapham and Vatam. It is light (easily digestible) and appetising, and acquires a subsequent sweet taste in its reaction (Anurasa).

The Dashamula Group:— The two preceding groups in combination form the one technically known as the Dasha-Mulam (the ten roots), which is possessed of the virtue of destroying the deranged Vata, Pittam and Kapham. It proves beneficial in cases of asthma and difficult respiration. It acts as a good