Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/460

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[ Chap. XXXVIII.

digestant in respect of undigested lymph chyle, etc and is used with satisfactory results in all types of fever.

The Valli-Panchamulam Group:—The group consisting of the roots of the five medicinal creepers known as Vidari, Sariva, Rajani, Guduchi and Aja-Shringi, is called the Valli-Panchamulam.

The Pancha-kantakam Group:— Similarly, the group consisting of the five medicinal (thorny) shrubs known as Karamradda, Trikantaka, Sairiyaka, Shatavari, and Gridhranakhi, is called the Pancha- Kantaka.

Metrical Texts:—The two preceding groups prove curative in Haemoptysis and in all the three types of anasarca or oedema (Shopha). Moreover, it has the incontestable virtue of arresting all sorts of urethral discharges and is a potent remedy in all cases of seminal disorders.

The Pancha-Trina Group:-The group consisting of the five medicinal herbs (of the grass species) and known as Kusha, Kasha, Nala, Darbha, Kandekshuka, is called the Pancha-Trina.

Metrical Texts:—Cases of Haemoptysis, renal defects or of uninary diseases are found to speedily yield to the curative efficacy of the compound internally administered through the medium of cow's milk.

Metrical Texts:-The first two of the afore-