Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/491

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parasites. Largely and exclusively partaken of, it brings on cough, dyspnoea, flatulence (Alasaka), vomiting, sweet taste in the mouth, hoarseness of the voice (aphonia), worms in the intestines, tumours, elephantisis, Vasti-lepa mucous deposit in the bladder), Gudopolepa (mucous or slimy deposit in the anus), and Abhisandya (ophthalmia), etc.

Acid taste:—An acid taste should be regarded as a digestant of assimilated food, and is endued with resolving, appetising and carminative properties. It sets in the natural emission of flatus and urine, restores the natural movements of the bowels, lessens the tendency to spasms, and gives rise to an acid (digestive) reaction in the stomach, and to a sensation of external shivering. It originates a slimy or mucous secretion and is extremely pleasant or relishing. An acid taste, though possessed of the aforesaid virtues, brings on tooth-edge, with sudden closing of the eyes, appearance of goose flesh on the skin, absorption of Kapham and looseness of the body in the event of its being largely partaken of to the exclusion of all other tastes. Owing to its fiery character, the taste under discussion sets in a process of suppuration in cuts or burns, or in incised, lacerated or punctured wounds, as well as in those, which result from external blows, or are due to fractures, swellings, or falls, or are brought about as the after effects of any idiopathic distemper.