Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/492

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[ Chap. XLII.

or which are tainted with the urine of any venomous animals or through contact with any poisonous animal or vermin. It gives rise to a burning sensation in the throat, chest and the region of the heart.

Saline taste:—A saline taste is possessed of corrective (purgative and emetic) virtues, favours the processes of suppuration and spontaneous bursting of swellings, brings about the looseness or resolution of any affected part (ulcer), is heat- engendering in its property and proves incompatible with all other tastes. It cleanses the internal passages or channels of the organism and produces softness of the limbs and members of the body. A saline taste, though possessed of the aforesaid properties, may bring on scabies urticaria, oedematous swellings, loss or discoloration of the natural complexion of the body, loss of virile potency, distressing symptoms affecting the sense-organs, inflammation of the mouth and the eyes, haemoptysis, Vata-rakta (a kind of leprosy) and acid eructations etc., in the event of its being largely partaken of to the exclusion of all other tastes.

Pungent taste:—A pungent taste is endued with appetising, resolving (Pachana) and purifying properties in respect of ulcers etc.), and destroys obesity, languor, deranged Kapham and intestinal parasites. It is antitoxic in its character, proves curative in