Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/585

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the Mriga-matrika, etc. These species of venison have a sweet and astringent taste, are light, keen, pleasant (palatable), laxative, and diuretic in their effect. They subdue the Vayu and the Pittam.

Metrical Text:—The venison of the Ena species is sweet and astringent in taste, and palatable, and proves curative in diseases due to the deranged condition of the Pittam, blood and Kapham. It is astringent in its effect, imparts strength to the system, improves a relish for food and is a febrifuge. The venison of the Harina (red) species is sweet in taste and digestion, appetising, aromatic, cool, light, and suppresses the discharge of stool and urine and pacifies the deranged humours. Deer which are black are called Ena, while those which are red are called Harina. Those, that are neither red nor black, are designated as Kuranga. The venison of the Mriga-matrika species is cooling and proves curative in cases of haemoptysis, Sannipata diseases (due to the concerted action of the three deranged humours), consumption, dyspncea, cough, and hiccough and creates a relish for food.

Birds such as the Lava, Tittiri, Kapinjala, Vartira, Vartika, Vartaka, Naptrika, Vatika_, Chakora, Kala-vinka, Mayura, Krakara, Upachakra, Kukkuta, Saranga, Shata-Patraka, Kutittiri, Kuruvahuka and Yavalaka belong to the Vishkira species. [They are so called